1.1 Introduction: International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC) is one of the top graded government approved private universities in Bangladesh. Having fulfilled the requirements as laid down in the Private University Act of 1992, and after obtaining the necessary clearance from the University Grants Commission (UGC), and the permission of Government of Bangladesh (GOB) through the Ministry of Education, International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC) started functioning on February 11 1995. The credit for the idea of establishing this University goes to International Islamic University Chittagong Trust (IIUCT).
IIUC framed its own Statues, Ordinances and Regulations governing the manifold activities of IIUC – academic, administrative, financial, student welfare, discipline etc. as per the Private University Act, 1992, 1998 and revised Act, 2010. Most statutory bodies formed under the provisions of the Act have since then been functioning.
1.2 The Mission of the University is to produce through the pursuit of education properly trained up manpower to contribute t socio-economic development and moral upliftment of the society and to cultivate in our students expertise as we as ethical sensitivity, intelligence and an ability to think independently beyond their areas of study, so that they can sustain justice in all walks of life.
1.3 The Vision of the University is to offer nationally competitive and internationally recognized opportunities for learning to make this University as the Centre of Excellence in different areas of scholarship, like Shari’ah and Islamic Studies, Business Studies, Social Science, Science & Engineering, Arts & Humanities, Law, and such other faculties that will be introduced in future. Its door is open to the admission seekers from all over the world, regardless of race, region and religion. This university cherished the dream of becoming one of the highest seat of learning and creator of knowledge in the South East Asia.
1.4 The Objective of the University:
a. To create a new generation of competent youths who will be equipped with academic excellence, professional expertise and adorned with moral height.
b. To follow a policy of continued Modernization of knowledge and academic curricula in different disciplines of education so that its students can imbibe the true spirit of religious value as an effective guiding principle in their profession and daily life.
1.5 The Moto of the University is to “Combine Quality with Morality”.
2. Teaching Methods and Policy:
2.1 Methods: outcome-based education (OBE) and Bi – Semester system of Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) through self-examination and external review. In this process students are evaluated throughout a course of study rather that exclusively by examination at the end. It is multidimensional and based on students
(a) Attendance in the classes (b) Performance in Assignments and Class Tests (c) Scores in the Mid-Term and the Final examination (d) Lab. Reports (e) Thesis/Project/Internship (f) Presentations (g) Viva-Voce (f) Industry Visits (g) Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular activities
2.2 Policy: The University is committed to the life-long success of students in its undergraduate and master’s program through high-quality instruction and learning experiences. IIUC ha Integrated Education policy, where a student achieves holistic learning through awareness of his surroundings and other relevant knowledge bases. IIUC emphasizes the diffusion of scientific, technical and profession knowledge on the other hand. In this regard, there are some courses for the students of all Faculties at IIUC, which are not a part of the main curriculum of the Departments, but those are named as University Requirement Courses (URC).
2.3 Morality Development Program: IIUC incorporates studies on the values of mutual respect & peaceful co-existence in the in the courses under the “Development Program (MDP)” which includes all students of the university irrespective of caste, creed or religion.
2.4 Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular activities: IIUC supports student participation in a broad array of Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular activities as an integral component of its commitment to student life and success. These programs mainly includes leadership training, cultural, environmental, recreational and social activities, debating & public speaking programs, intellectual discussions, games & sports, excursion and study tour home & abroad to complement academic pursuits. By this programs student earn capacity to express out themselves properly, maintain personality and learn to respect people of other faiths through mutual understanding among various regions, religions, belief and cultures. All Co and Extra-curricular activities are run by the club named after the Department, Computer Club and Business Club etc under the close supervision and monitoring of students Affairs Division (STAD).
2.5 Students Advisor: IIUC provides student counseling, career and student welfare counseling by the Student Advisor of respective section of the students semester.
- About
- Administration
Hon’ble Chancellor
The Hon’ble President of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor
International Islamic University ChittagongDivisions
- Faculties
- Admission
- Program Wise Fees and Charges
- Tuition Fees of Bachelor Programs at a glance for Local Students
- Tuition Fees of Bachelor Programs at a glance for Foreign Students
- Tuition Fees For Masters Program at a glance
- Tuition Fees, Waiver and Scholarship
- International Student Admission
- Credit Transfer Information
- Admission Handbook
- Sample Question (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
- Academic
- Bachelor of Arts (Hans.) in Our’anic Sciences and Islamic Studies (QSIS)
- Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Da’wah and Islamic Studies (DIS)
- Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Hadith and Islamic Studies (SHIS)
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
- Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)
- Bachelor of Science in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering (ETE)
- Bachelor of Science in Computer and Communication Engineering (CCE)
- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (CE)
- Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm, Hons.)
- Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
- BSS (Hons.) in Economics & Banking
- Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in English Language & Literature (ELL)
- Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Arabic Language & Literature (ALL)
- Bachelor of Laws (LL.B, Hons.)
- Master of Arts in Our’anic Sciences and Islamic Studies (MQSIS)
- Master of Arts in Da’wah and Islamic Studies (MDIS)
- Master of Arts in Science of Hadith and Islamic Studies (MSHIS)
- Master of Arts in Islamic Studies (MIS)
- Master of Business Administration (MBA)
- Master of Bank Management (MBM)
- Master of Arts in English Language and Literature (MA in ELL, Preli. & Final)
- Master of Arts in English Language Teaching (MA in ELT)
- Master of Laws (LL.M, Preli. & Final)
- MSc. in Computer Science and Engineering (MCSE)
- MSS in Economics and Banking (MEB)
- Research & Publication
- Survey Questionnaire for Academics
- Survey Questionnaire for Non-Academics Staffs
- Survey Questionnaire For Alumni
- Survey Questionnaire For The Graduates
- Survey Questionnaire For The Employer
- Student Course Evaluation Form
- Teaching Efficiency Rating Form
- Exit Survey Form
- Accreditation Standards Criteria
- UGC Revised OBE Curriculam Template
- Standard Syllabuses from UGC(ELL, MELL & MELT)
- Standard Syllabuses from UGC(BBA, MBA & EMBA)
- Standard Syllabuses from UGC(LLB)
- Standard Syllabuses from UGC(LLM)
- Standard Syllabuses from UGC(Civil Engineering)
- Standard Syllabuses from UGC(CSE)
- Standard Syllabuses from UGC(EEE,ETE,CCE)
- Standard Syllabuses from UGC(B. Pharmacy)
- Standard Syllabuses from UGC(M. Pharmacy)
- International Standard Classification EducationISCED F 2013
- Information on OBE Curriculum BAC Accreditation
- Survey Questionnaire for Academics
- Survey Questionnaire for Non-Academics Staffs
- Student Course Evaluation Form
- Survey Questionnaire For Alumni
- Survey Questionnaire For The Graduates
- Survey Questionnaire For Employers
- Evaluation of teachers by students
- Bangladesh National Qualifications Framework (BNQF)
- Bangladesh Accreditation Council (BAC) Standards for Accreditation of Academic Program
- Library
- Conference
Archive Conferences
Recent Conferences
- 11th International Conference 2017
- 12th International Conference (ICISET 2018)
- Call for Papers for National Graduate Researchers' Conference-2019
- International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology -ICISET 2022
- International Conference on Envisioning the Future: Teaching Language and Literature (FAHIIUCIC) on 20-21 January, 2023
Up Coming Conferences
- Center