Dr. A.K.M. Azharul Islam

Dr. A.K.M. Azharul Islam

Prof. Dr. A.K.M. Azharul Islam Dr. A.K.M. Azharul Islam FInstP (Lond), CPhys (Lond) FBAS, ISESCO Laureate
Senior Grade Professor of Physics (Retired)
Former Vice-Chancellor and Professor Emeritus, International Islamic University Chittagong
Former Chairman, Dept of Physics, Rajshahi University
Former Dean of the Faculty of Science, Rajshahi University
Now: Professor Emeritus, International Islamic University Chittagong

Academic Qualification, Teaching, Research and Publication

A. Educational Qualification
Institution/Board Degree Subject Year Class (Place)
London University Ph.D. Physics 1972 Awarded
Imperial College of Science & Technology, London D.I.C. Physics 1969 successfully completed
Rajshahi University M.Sc. Physics 1967 I (First)
Rajshahi University B.Sc.(Hons) Physics 1966 I (First)
Rajshahi Govt College I.Sc Science 1963 I (Fifth)*
East Pakistan Second. Educ. Board Matriculation Common 1961 I (Eighth)
*In spite of being unable to appear in English paper-I examination
  • Recipient of the President's (of former Pakistan) Gold Medal, Monetary & Travel Award for Best Student of erstwhile East Pakistan at postgraduate level in 1967-1968.
  • Recipient of University Gold Medals and Book prizes for both B.Sc. and M.Sc. results.
B. Teaching Experience
Position University From To
Lecturer Rajshahi University January 1968 September 1968
Assistant. Professor Rajshahi University September 1968 June 1975
Associate Professor Rajshahi University June 1975 April 1984*
Professor Rajshahi University April 1984 June 2012**
*On deputation to Alfateh Univ, Tripoli ~ 5 yrs (1977-1983); **Vice-Chancellor, International Islamic University for 5 yrs (2002 Oct − 2008 Jan) ; Nov 2012- till 7 August 2017 for a total of 11 years
C. Special Achievements in Research & Publication:
RESEARCH including other Academic Works: 298+175+21 = 494

Named in the list of world's top 2% science researchers:
Prof. Islam has been ranked among the top 2% of science researchers in the world. (A joint survey by Stanford University in the United States and Elsevier, a medical and scientific publishing house based in the Netherlands. Reported in Bangladesh Pratidin, 24 September 2024).
Postdoctoral & Related Research Abroad
  • Imperial College of Science & Technology, London: 1972-1973.
  • The University of Reading (U.K.) as a Royal Society Fellow: 1987.
  • Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Research, Bangalore: 1996.
  • The University of Cambridge: (brief period) 1999.
  • ICTP (Trieste, Italy) – 7 times in summers during 1985–1997 (under Associateship visits).
  • Short visit to Yamanashi University (Japan) under joint UGC-Japan project (2006).
Publication and Contribution recognized Nationally & Internationally
More than 95% of the research articles have been published in International journals of repute including Physical Review B, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Elsevier Science etc. Few of the recently published articles have been declared as “SciVerse – Elsevier: Among Top 25 Hottest Articles”.
Recognition of Contribution by National and International Bodies:
  • Honored by Rajshahi University as one of the best teachers at the World Teacher’s Day on 5 October 2024.
  • United Group Outstanding Research Award 2016 – (Awarded by the Education Minister at Dhaka, 22 April 2016).
  • The Bangladesh Education Leadership Award ‘EMERITUS PROFESSOR AWARD’ judged by Asian Confederation of Businesses with CMO Asia as its Strategic Partner and Stars of the Industry Group as a research partner - presented at Hotel Radisson Blu on 23 September 2018.
  • Honor as Author: UGC Accorded Reception to Authors of Books published by UGC (Certificate & Crest by the Education Minister at Dhaka UGC Auditorium, 9 March 2016).
  • International Recognition (CSE Award 2010) as one of the three Editors of Science Journals of the Third World on the occasion of 52nd Annual Conference of the Council of Science Editors (Atlanta, 14-18 May 2010), Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia
  • Bangladesh Academy of Sciences Gold Medal 2006 – in Recognition of significant contributions in the field of Condensed Matter Physics (2006)” (Awarded 31 July 2008) – awarded by the Hon’ble President of Bangladesh.
  • International ISESCO Science Award 2001 - in Recognition of Meritorious Achievements in the Field of Physics (award money $5000 + Travel & stay abroad also provided) – awarded in Sharjah (UAE) Meeting.
  • University Grants’ Commission Award (1997) for Original Research in Science – 2006 – awraded by the Education Minister.
  • International CSE Award (2010) as an Editor of Science Journal of the Third World on the occasion of 52nd Annual Conference of the Council of Science Editors (Atlanta, 14-18 May 2010).
  • Regular Associates (six years) and Senior Associate, The AS International Centre for Theoretical Physics (Trieste).
  • President’s Medal for Pride of Performance (1968) – (Gold Medal, Prize-money & Whole Pakistan tour-cost to only one student in the then East Pakistan at the PG stage) - presented by the President of erstwhile Pakistan at an Investiture Ceremony in the President’s House.
Other Academic Recognitions:
I. Editorial Board/Reviewer of Professional Journals etc.
  • Former Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 2070-0237 (Print); ISSN 2070-0245 (Online)
  • Former Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences.
  • Former Member of the Editorial Board, Rajshahi University Studies.
  • Reviewer of several International/National Journals.
    • American J Physics, Physica B:Condensed Matter Physics, Physica C: Superconductivity & Applications, Solid State Commun. Physics Letts A, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Intermetallics, Applied Surface Science, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, Chinese Physics. etc
    • Eight National journals.
II. Membership of Professional Bodies
  • Fellow, The Institute of Physics, London.
  • Fellow, Bangladesh Academy of Sciences.
  • Fellow, Bangladesh Physical Society.
  • Former Member, American Physical Society.
  • Former Member, New York Academy of Science.
  • Life Member, Bangla Academy and few other Societies.
III. University Administration
  • Vice-Chancellor, International Islamic University Chittagong (2002 Sep-2008 Jan & 2012-2017 August).
  • Dean of the Faculty of Science, Rajshahi University (elected for 2 years in 1986).
  • Chairman, Department of Physics, Rajshahi University, 1988-1991.
  • Member of the Syndicate, Rajshahi University, 1992 –.
  • Member of the Senate, Rajshahi University, 1991–.
  • Member of the Academic Council, Rajshahi University, 1984 –
  • House Tutor, S.M. Hall, Rajshahi University, 1974-76. Acting Provost for a brief period.
  • Representing many Committees constituted by the University.
  • Member, Board of Governors, RCMPS, Chittagong University.
  • Member, Academic Council, Islamic University, Kushtia.
  • Member, Academic Council, The National University, Dhaka.
  • Member, Selection Boards, Rajshahi, Chittagong, Jahangir Nagar, Sylhet, Kushtia Islamic, National and Agricultural Universities.
IV. Scientific Seminars, workshop, conferences, training programs
(Presented papers in almost all the seminars and conference)
  • Physics Seminars held in London & Rutherford Lab. between 1969-1972.
  • Royal Society of London Physics Symposiums held in London in 1973.
  • International Bose Symposium held at Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1974.
  • Regional Conf. on University Physics Education held in Penang, Malaysia in 1977.
  • International Conf. on the Role of Lab. in Physics Education, Jaipur, India in 1983-84.
  • Ninth International Nathiagali Summer College, Islamabad, Pakistan, 1984.
  • Winter College on Atomic & Molecular Physics, Trieste, Italy in 1985.
  • International Meet on Physics & Mathematics, Chittagong University in 1986.
  • Advanced Techniques in Computational Physics, Trieste, Italy in 1986.
  • Several National Science Conferences held in Bangladesh between 1977-1992.
  • Ceramics & Composite Materials Workshop at ICTP, Italy in May 1989.
  • Modelling Thermochemical behaviour of Materials at ICTP, Italy (19 May - 1 June, 1989).
  • Research Workshop in Condensed Matter Physics at ICTP, Italy (19 June- 4 July,1989).
  • Anniversary Adriatico Research Conf. Interface between Quantum Field Theory & Condendensed Matter Physics, Trieste (20 - 23 June, 1989).
  • Kathmandu Summer School in Physics, May 1991.
  • Int. Symp.on 20th Birth Anniv. of Glashow-Salam-Weinberg Theory, Dhaka 19-24 April, 1992.
  • Research Workshop in Condensed Matter Physics, Trieste, Italy, Sep - Oct 1992.
  • College on Computational Physics, Trieste, Italy, May 17 - June 11, 1993.
  • Research Workshop on Condensed Matter Physics, Italy, May 4 - July 15, 1993.
  • 7th Chinese Int. Summer School/Beijing Int. Workshop on Modern Crystallogra, Aug.13-19, 1993.
  • 19th IUPAP International STATPHYS Conf. at Xiamen, China, 31 July - 4 August, 1995.
  • Statphys 20:Proceedings of the 20th IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics Held in the UNESCO Conference Center and in the Grand Amphitheatre of Sorbonne University, Paris, France, 20-24 July 1998 Physica A, ISSN 0378-4371, Volume 263, Issues 1-4 of Physica: A, Statistical mechanics and its applications
  • Organized two workshops:
    (a) International Workshop Condensed Matter Physics (Rajshahi 28 Oct- 1 Nov, 1996),
    Scientists from UK, Japan, India, Pakistan & a good number of local scientists participated
    (b) International Workshop on High-Tc Superconductors(Rajshahi 2-6 Nov., 1998).
    where 17 countries participated including USA, UK, Germany, Sweden, Japan, China, Singapore, India, Pakistan, Egypt, Iraq, Iran etc - Further two invitee Nobel Laureates collaborated in different ways and finally sent their greetings and wished success for not being able to be present.
  • IV National Conf. on High Pressure Science & Tech., (Sept. 11-13, 1997), IGCAR, Madras, India.
  • 20th IUPAP International STATPHYS Conf. at Paris, Franch, 20-24 July, 1998.
  • International Workshop on High-Tc Superconductors at Rajshahi (2-6 Nov., 1998).
  • Conference on Electrostatics in Cambridge, U.K. (28-31 March 1999).
  • Conf. on Magnetic & Superconducting Materials (MSM-99), Teheran, Iran (20-24 Sept, 1999).
  • Conf. on Magnetic & Superconducting Materials (MSM-01), Yarmouk, Jordan (9-13, Sept, 2001).
  • Several BPS conferences in Dhaka & Chittagong between 2002 and 2007.
  • Several International Meets on Physics & Mathematics, Chittagong University in 2003, 2004, 2005,2006, 2007, 2009.
  • Bangalore Conf. on Electronic structure etc., Bangalore (13-17 July 2006).
  • Invited speaker at ICSM-2008 (Side, Anatalya, Turkey).
  • ICMAM10 (March 2010) held at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Invited Lecture on “Knowledge-based Development in Muslim Countries – Status and Prospects” at the 5th IIUC Conf on Education (15 September, 2011) held at IDB BHaban, Dhaka.
  • ICMAM10 (March 2012) held at BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Intern Workshop on Ranking of Universities (111-13 June 2013, Khartoum, Sudan).
  • Invited Presentation at the Vice-Chancellors Forum 2013, Universities in the Islamic World: Challenges of Internationalization (September 23-24, 2013, Islamabad, Pakistan).
  • 7th Intern. Conf. on Development of Social Enterprise and Social Business for Eradication of Extreme Poverty and Street Begging (19-20 December 2014) at Chittagong, Bangladesh.
  • Keynote speech: “Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Reflections of a Physicist” at ICOBIEE (6-8 December 2013, Penang, Malaysia).
  • Intern. Conf. on Advances in Physics ICAP held on April 18-19, 2015 at Rajshahi University in Collaboration with Bangladesh Physical Society – Invited Talk on MAX Phases (Plenary Session)
  • Intern. Conf on Physics for sustainable Development & Technology (ICPSD-2015) held on August 19-20 at CUET; Invited Talk – Transformation of Exciting 3-D MAX Phases to 2-D New Wonder Materials.
  • Keynote speech - “Socioeconomic Development: Econophysics, Econoshariah as Secular & Divine Resources”, iECONS2015 (29-30 September 2015, Krabi Fron Bay Resort, Thailand) –organized byUniversity Sains Islam Malaysia in association with IDB, Thailand, Malaysia and IIUC.
  • “How to be a Good Researcher” – Lecture given at the Research Colloquium organized by Center for Research and Publication at International Islamic University Chittagong (25-30 November 2015).
  • Keynote Speech (Plenary Session) – “Exciting 3D MAX Phases and the Derived 2D New Wonder Materials” at the International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICISET 2016) (October 28 - 29, 2016) at International Islamic University Chittagong with Intern. Partner University Science Islam Malaysia (Technical Cosponsor IEEE)
  • Special Guest Lecture at the Ist Bangladesh Society of Human Resources Management (BSRM) Chittagong HRM Summit (24 February 2017)– HR Value Proposition for Business
  • Ethics in Research & Publication– Talk delivered at the Research Ethics-PhD Colloquium- IIUC (2-3 May 2017)
  • “IQAC and Quality of Higher Education” - Lecture given at the workshop arranged by Physics Department of Chittagong University (Dec 2017)
  • Invited Lecture “Scientific Signs in Holy Qur’an- Practical Perspective of Human Life” at the Talent Development Workshop-2017 at IIUC during Nov 8-9, 2017
  • Keynote Speech (Plenary Session) – “Justice, Peace and Security – Universal Aspirations and Islamic Worldview” at the International Conference on World Peace and Security – Role of Islam (ICWPSRI 2017) (Dec. 30-31, 2017) at International Islamic University Chittagong attended by participants from 30 countries
  • Lecture on ‘Physics Research: Motivation, Methodology, Publication & Scientific Integrity’ at Dhaka University- Physics Department, Dhaka (28 December 2017).
  • Invited Talk “Remarkable 3D MAX Phases and 2D Wonder Materials MXenes” at the Int. Conf on Physics-2018 (8-10 March 2018) at MHKB Bhaban DU on 8 March 2018.
+ Dozen other national conferences and seminars.
D. List of Research Publication in International Journals in (2000-2024 June):
Total Research Publication: 1969-2024 April = 298+1 subm, Please visit: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/A-K-M-Islam
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=yO2PTYQAAAAJ

Prof. Dr. A.K.M. Azharul Islam

Citation upto 27th October 2024

Prof. Dr. A.K.M. Azharul Islam

Citation upto 27th October 2024

[1] Ternary chalcogenides NbInX 2 (X = S, Se): A comprehensive investigation of mechanical, electronic, vibrational, optical and thermophysical properties, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, Accepted Oct 7, 2024
[2] Optical and thermoelectric properties of layer structured Ba 2 XS 4 (X = Zr, Hf) for energy harvesting applications, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Accepted Oct 10, 2024
[3] New wonder materials - exciting technological horizon A K M Azharul Islam, J. Bangladesh Acad. Sci. 48(1); 1-25: June 2024 DOI: https://doi.org/10.3329/jbas.v48i1.73005
[4] Insights into the unrevealed physical properties of Sc 2 Al 2 C 3 compared with other Sc-Al-C systems via ab-initio investigation M.A. Rayhan, M.A. Ali, N. Jahan, M.M. Hossain, M.M. Uddin, A.K.M.A. Islam , S.H. Naqib, Physics Open, 19 (2024) 100217 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physo.2024.100217
[5] Structural, elastic, electronic, bonding, thermo-mechanical and optical properties of predicted NbAlB MAB phase in comparison to MoAlB: DFT based ab-initio insights Mst. Bina Aktar, F. Parvin, A.K.M. Azharul Islam, S.H. Naqib, Results in Physics 51 (2023) 106701 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rinp.2023.106921
[6] Optical response, lithium doping and charge transfer in Sn-based 312 MAX phases Md. Abdul Hadi, Nikolaos Kelaidis, Stavros-Richard G. Christopoulos, Alexander I. Chroneos, Saleh Hasan Naqib, A.K.M. Azharul Islam ACS Omega 2023, 8, 28, 25601–25609 Publication Date:July 6, 2023 https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsomega.3c03645
[7] First principles study of mechanical, thermal, electronic, optical and superconducting properties of C40-type germanide-based MGe2 (M = V, Nb and Ta) M.H. Kabir; Md. Mukter Hossain;; M.A. Ali; M.M. Uddin; M.L. Ali; M.Z. Hasan; A.K.M.A. Islam; Saleh Hasan Naqib, Results in Physics 51 (2023) 106701 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rinp.2023.106701
[8] Impact of M atomic species on physical properties of M2TlC (M= Ti, Zr, Hf): A first principles calculation M. Sohel, M.M. Uddin, M.A. Ali, M.M. Hossain, A.K.M.A. Islam, S.H. Naqib AIP Advances  13(6) June 06 2023 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/5.0150252
[9] Inverse-perovskites Sc 3 GaX (X = B, C, N): A comprehensive theoretical investigation at ambient and elevated pressures I. Ahmed, F. Parvin, A.K.M.A. Islam, M.A. Kashem, Computational Condensed Matter, 35, June 2023, e00808 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cocom.2023.e00808
[10] The Rise of 212 MAX Phase Borides: DFT Insights into the Physical Properties of Ti 2 PB 2 , Zr 2 PbB 2 , and Nb 2 AB 2 [A = P, S] for Thermomechanical Applications Md. Ashraf Ali, Md. Mukter Hossain, Md. Mohi Uddin, A.K.M.A. Islam, and Saleh Hasan Naqib ACS Omega 2023 8 (1), 954-968 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.2c06331
[11] A comparative DFT exploration on M- and A-site double transition metal MAX phase, Ti 3 ZnC 2 M.A. Hadi ab Istiak Ahmed a M.A. Ali c M.M. Hossain c M.T. Nasir d M.L. Ali a S.H. Naqib a A.K.M.A. Islam ae Open Ceramics Volume 12 , December 2022, 100308 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceram.2022.100308
[12] Exploration of the physical properties of the newly synthesized kagome superconductor LaIr 3 Ga 2  using different exchange–correlation functionals J. Islam , S. K. Mitro ,  M. M. Hossain ,   M. M. Uddin ,  N. Jahan ,  A.K.M.A. Islam , S. H. Naqib  and   M. A. Ali    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 29640-29654 https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2022/CP/D2CP04054A
[13] A comparative DFT exploration on M- and A-site double transition metal MAX phase, Ti 3 ZnC 2 M.A. Hadi , Istiak Ahmed , M.A. Ali , M.M. Hossain , M.T. Nasir , M.L. Ali , S.H. Naqib , A.K.M.A. Islam Open Ceramics , Volume 12 , December 2022, 100308 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceram.2022.100308
[14] First-principles calculations to investigate physical properties of single-cubic (Ba 0.82 K 0.18 )(Bi 0.53 Pb 0.47 )O 3 novel perovskite superconductor M.H.K. Rubel, S.K. Mitro, M. Khalid Hossain, K.M. Hossain, M.M. Rahaman, J. Hossain, B.K. Mondal, Azmery Akter, Md. Ferdous Rahman, I. Ahmed, A.K.M.A. Islam Materials Today Communications,  Volume 33 , December 2022, 104302 DOI: 10.1016/j.mtcomm.2022.104302
[15] DFT insights into the electronic structure, mechanical behaviour, lattice dynamics and defect processes in the first Sc-based MAX phase Sc2SnC M. A. Hadi1, S.R. G. Christopoulos, A. Chroneos, S. H. Naqib & A. K. M. A. Islam Scientific Reports (2022) 12:14037 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-1833
[16] Alkaline-Earth Metal Effects on Physical Properties of Ferromagnetic AVO3 (A = Ba, Sr, Ca, and Mg): Density Functional Theory Insights Md. Mijanur Rahaman, Khandaker Monower Hossain, Mirza Humaun Kabir Rubel, A. K. M. Azharul Islam , and Seiji Kojima ACS Omega. 2022 Jun 21; 7(24): 20914–20926. Published online 2022 Jun 9. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.2c01630
[17] Optical response, lithiation and charge transfer in Sn-based 211 MAX phases with electron localization function Hadi, M. A., Kelaidis, N., Filippatos, P. P., Christopoulos, S-RG., Chroneos, A., Naqib, S. H., & Islam, A. K. M. A. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 18, 2470-2479;
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2022.03.083
[18] Origin of high hardness and optoelectronic and thermo-physical properties of boron-rich compounds B6X (X= S, Se): A comprehensive study via DFT approach MM Hossain, MA Ali, MM Uddin,A Islam,SH Naqib Journal of Applied Physics 129, 175109 (2021);
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0047139
[19] Newly synthesized 3D boron-rich chalcogenides B12X (X = S, Se): Theoretical characterization of physical properties for optoelectronic and mechanical applications, M M Hossain, M A Ali, M M Uddin, S H NaqibA K M A Islam et al. MS ID: ae-2021-02768k, ACS Applied Energy Materials 2021
[20] Enhanced thermo-mechanical properties of 212 MAX phase borides Zr2AB2 (A = In, Tl): an ab-initio understanding M. A. Ali, M. M. Hossain, M. M. Uddin, S. H. Naqib, A. K. M. A. Islam J Mat Res & Tech. –JMRT-D-21-01591R1 Accepted 10 September 2021
[21] A density functional theory approach to the effects of C and N substitution at the B-site of the first boride MAX phase Nb2SB, A K M A Islam et al. Mat. Today Commun. Aug 2021
[22] DFT insights into the electronic structure, mechanical behaviour, lattice dynamics and defect processes in the first Sc-based MAX phase Sc2SnC M.A. Hadi, S.-R.G.Christopoulos, A. Chroneos, S.H. Naqib, A K M A Islam Sci. Rep - Aug 2021
[23] Remarkable class of materials: Band structures and optical properties of non-superconducting and superconducting MAX phasesA K M A Islam ,2021 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. Vol. 1718 (1)012002 International Conference on Advances in Physics 2015 18–19 April 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1718/1/012002
[24] Structural, Elastic and Electronic Properties of Nitride Ti2CdN Phase in Comparison with the Carbide Ti2CdC Phase from First-principles Study M. Roknuzzaman, M.A. Hadi, M.T. Nasir, S.H. Naqib, A.K.M.A. Islam,Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1718 (1), 012019 (2021) International Conference on Advances in Physics 2015 18–19 April 2015;
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1718/1/012019
[25] Effects of Al substitution by Si in Ti 3 AlC 2 nanolaminate MA. Hadi, M Roknuzzaman, MT Nasir, U Monira, SH Naqib, Alex Chroneos,,A Islam,, Jose Alarco, Kostya Ostrikov Scientific Reports, 09 Feb 2021, 11, 3410 (2021);
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-81346-w
[26] A first-principles study of a new ternary silicide superconductor Li2IrSi3 M.A. Hadi, M.A. Alam, M. Roknuzzaman, M.T. Nasir, A.K.M.A.Islam S.H. Naqib Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1718 (1), 012018 (2021) International Conference on Advances in Physics 2015 18–19 April 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1718/1/012018
[27] Physical properties of new MAX phase borides M2SB (M = Zr, Hf, and Nb) in comparison with conventional MAX phase carbides M2SC (M = Zr, Hf and Nb): Comprehensive insights M. A. Ali, M. M. Hossain, M. M. Uddin, M. A. Hossain, A.K.M.A.Islam S. H. Naqib J. Mat. Res & Technology, Volume 11, March–April 2021, Pages 1000-101
DOI: 10.1016/j.jmrt.2021.01.068
[28] Mechanical, optoelectronic and thermoelectric properties of half-Heusler p-type semiconductor BaAgP: A DFT investigation F. Parvin, M. A. Hossain, M. I. Ahmed, K. Akter, A.K.M.A. Islam Results in Physics, Volume 23, April 2021, 104068
[29] Effect of boron incorporation into the carbon-site in Nb2SC MAX phase: Insights from DFT S. K. Mitro, M. A. Hadi, F. Parvin, R. Majumder, S. H. Naqiband, A.K.M.A.Islam J. Mat. Res & Technology, Volume 11, March–April 2021, Pages 1969-1981
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2021.02.031
[30] Comparative study of predicted MAX phase Hf2AlN with recently synthesized Hf2AlC: a first principle calculations M.M. Uddin, M.A. Ali, M.M. Hossain, A.K.M.A.Islam S.H. Naqib Ind. J. Phys.,Published: 18 March 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12648-021-02050-z
[31] Thermodynamic and optoelectronic properties of half-Heusler cubic YPdBi S.K. Mitro, M.A. Hossain, S. Chandra, A.K.M.A. Islam Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (JMSE) –Revision submitted 10 Sept 2021
[32] Dynamical stability and physical properties of perovskite AVO3 (A = Mg, Ba, Sr, Ca): A comparative first-principles study Mirza Rubel, Khandaker Hossain, M. M Rahaman, Anjuman A Khatun, Md. I Hossain, M. M Hossain, M Ali, Jaker Hossain, A. K. M. A Islam Seiji Kojima, Revision Submitted 11 Sept 2021
[33] Novel layered semiconductor Bi3O2S2Cl: A promising material for optoelectronic applications M. A. Hadi, S. K. Mitro, Mirza Rubel, S. H. Naqib, A.K.M.A.Islam M.A. Hossain, M. Rokunuzzaman June 2020
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26391.39841
[34] DFT insights into new B-containing 212 MAX phases: Hf2AB2 (A = In, Sn) M. A. Ali, M. M. Hossain, M. M. Uddin, A.K.M.A.Islam D. Jana, S. H. Naqib Journal of Alloys and Compounds Available online 20 Dec 2020, Volume 860, 15 April 2021, 158408
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2020.158408
[35] NaInX2 (X = S, Se) layered materials for energy harvesting applications: First-principles insights into optoelectronic and thermoelectric properties M. M. Hossain, M. A. Hossain, S. A. Moon, M. A. Ali, M. M. Uddin, S. H. Naqib, A.K.M.A.Islam M. Nagao, S. Watauchi and I. Tanaka J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2021). Accepted 16 Dec 2020 - Pub 9 Jan 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10854-020-05131-7
[36] Ternary boride Hf3PB4: Insights into the physical properties of the hardest possible boride MAX phase M. A. Ali, M. M. Hossain, A.K.M.A.Islam S. H. Naqib J. Alloys and Compounds Volume 857, (2020) 158264 (Online): 15 March 2021, 158264
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2020.158264
[37] Chemically stable new MAX phase V2SnC: A damage and radiation tolerant TBC material M. A. Hadi, M. Dahlqvist, S.-R. G. Christopoulos, S. H. Naqib, A. Chroneos, A.K.M.A.Islam RSC Adv., 2020,10, 43783-43798 © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/D0RA07730E
[38] CElastic behaviour and radiation tolerance in Nb-based 211 MAX phases M.A.Hadi, S.-R.G.Christopoulos,A.Chroneos, S.H.Naqib, A.K.M.A.Islam Materials Today Communications 25, Dec 2020, 101499
DOI: 10.1016/j.mtcomm.2020.101499
[39] Physical properties of a novel boron-based ternary compound Ti2InB2 M. Mozahar Ali, M.A. Hadi, Istiak Ahmed,A.F.M.Y. Haider, A.K.M.A.Islam Materials Today Communications, 25 (Dec 2020) 101600
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2020.101600
[40] Insights into the physical properties of a new 211 MAX phase Nb2CuCN.Kelaidis, S.H.Naqib, A.K.M.A.Islam A.Chroneos, R.V.Vovk, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Available online 20 October 2020, Vol. 149, 109759 (2021)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpcs.2020.109759
[41] Dynamical stability, Vibrational and optical properties of anti-perovskite A3BX (Ti3TlN, Ni3SnN and Co3AlC) phases: a first principles study K. Das, M. A. Ali, M. M. Hossain, S. H. Naqib, A.K.M.A.Islam M. M. Uddin AIP Advances 10, 095226 (2020);
[42] Insights into the predicted Hf2SN in comparison with the synthesized MAX phase Hf2SC: A comprehensive study K.Akter, F.Parvin, M.A.Hadi, A.K.M.A.Islam Computational Condensed Matter, Volume 24, September 2020, e00485
[43] Newly synthesized A-site ordered cubic-perovskite superconductor (Ba0. 54K0. 46) 4Bi4O12: A DFT investigation M.H.K.Rubel,S.K.Mitro, B.K.Mondal, M.M.Rahaman, Md Saiduzzaman, J.Hossain, A.K.M.A.Islam N.Kumada Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, Volume 574, 15 July 2020, 1353669
[44] Zirconium trigallide polymorphs with tetragonal and cubic structures: optical and thermodynamic properties MA Rahman, SK Mitro, F Parvin,A.Islam Indian Journal of Physics, 95(4), 587-594 (2021) Published online 19 March (2020)
[45] Comprehensive first-principles calculations on physical properties of ScV2Ga4 and ZrV2Ga4 in comparison with superconducting HfV2Ga4 Mirza H.K.Rubel, K.M.Hossain, S.K.Mitro, M.M.Rahaman, M.A.Hadi, A.K.M.A.Islam Materials Today Communications Volume 24, September 2020, 100935
[46] Structural, elastic, thermal and lattice dynamic properties of new 321 MAX phases M.A. Hadi, M.A. Rayhan, S.H. Naqib, A. Chroneos, A.K.M.A.Islam Computational Materials Science 170, December 2019, 109144
[47] Electronic structures, bonding natures and defect processes in Sn-based 211 MAX phases M.A. Hadi, N. Kelaidis, S.H. Naqib, A. Chroneos, A.K.M.A.Islam Computational Materials Science 168, 203-212 (October 2019)
[48] Phase stability and physical properties of (Zr1-xNbx) 2AlC MAX phases M.A. Hadi, U. Monira, A. Chroneos, S.H. Naqib, A.K.M.A.Islam N. Kelaidis, R.V. Vovk Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 132, 38-47 (Sept 2019)
[49] Mechanical, electronic, optical, and thermodynamic properties of orthorhonmbic LiCuBiO4 crystal: a first–priciples study Md. Mijanur Rahaman,Mirza H.K.Rube, Md. Abdur Rashid,M. Ashraful Alam, Khandaker Monower Hossain, Md. Imran Hossain, Anjuman Ara Khatun, Md. Mukter Hossain, A.K.M.A.Islam Seiji Kojima, Nobuhiro Kumada Journal of Materials Research and Technology 8 (5), 3783-3794(Sept-Oct 2019)
[50] First−principles study: Structural, mechanical, electronic and thermodynamic properties of simple− cubic−perovskite (Ba0. 62K0. 38)(Bi0. 92Mg0. 08) O3 Mirza H.K.Rubel,M.Mozahar, Ali, M.S.Ali, R.Parvin, M.M.Rahaman, K.M.Hossain, M.I.Hossain, A.K.M.A.Islam N.Kumada, Solid State Communications 288, 22-27 (Feb 2019)
[51] Mechanical, electronic, optical, and thermodynamic properties of orthorhombic LiCuBiO4 crystal: a first–principles study Md. Mijanur Rahaman, Mirza H.K. Rubel, Md. Abdur Rashid, M. Ashraful Alam, Khandaker Monower Hossain, Md. Imran Hossain, Anjuman Ara Khatun, Md. Mukter Hossain, A.K.M.A.Islam Seiji Kojima, Nobuhiro Kumada J Mater Res Technol. 2019;8:3783-94
[52] Intermetallic MPt3 (M = Ti, Zr, Hf): Elastic, electronic, optical and thermal properties S. K. Mitro, M. A. Rahman, F. Parvin, and A.K.M.A.Islam International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol. 33, No. 0 (2019) 1950189 (16 pages)
[53] Electronic structures, bonding natures and defect processes in Sn-based 211 MAX phases M. A. Hadi, N. Kelaidis, S. H Naqib, A. Chroneos, A.K.M. A Islam Computational Materials Science 168 (2019) 203–212
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[54] Zirconium trigallide polymorphs with tetragonal and cubic structures: optical and thermodynamic properties M. A. Rahman, S. K. Mitro, F. Parvin andA.K.M. A Islam Indian Journal of Physics (Published March 2020)- Accepted 30 Oct 2019
[55] Mechanical, electronic, optical, and thermodynamic properties of orthorhombic LiCuBiO4 crystal: a first–principles study Md. Mijanur Rahaman, Mirza H.K. Rubel, Md. Abdur Rashid, M. Ashraful Alam, Khandaker Monower Hossain, Md. Imran Hossain, Anjuman Ara Khatun, Md. Mukter Hossain, A.K.M. Azharul Islam, Seiji Kojima, Nobuhiro Kumada J. Mater Res Tecl. 8 (5) 3783-3794 (2019)
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[56] Structural, elastic, thermal and lattice dynamic properties of new 321 MAX phases M.A.Hadi, M.A.Rayhan, S.H.NaqibA.Chroneos, A.K.M.A.Islam Computational Materials Science. Volume 170, December 2019, 109144
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[57] First principles study of M2InC (M = Zr, Hf and Ta) MAX phases: The effect of M atomic species F. Sultana, M.M. Uddin, M.A. Ali, M.M. Hossain, S.H. Naqib, A.K.M.A. Islam Results in Physics, Volume 11, 2018, pp. 869-876
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[58] Effects of transition metals on physical properties of M2BC (M = V, Nb, Mo and Ta): A DFT calculation P.Barua , M.M.Hossain, M.A.Ali, M.M.Uddin, S.H.Naqib, A.K.M.A.Islam Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 770, 5 January 2019, Pages 523-534 DOI: https://10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.08.155
[59] First-principles study of elastic, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of newly synthesized K2Cu2GeS4 chalcogenide M. A. Ali, M. Anwar Hossain, M. A. Rayhan, M. M. Hossain, M. M. Uddin, M. Roknuzzaman, K. Ostrikov, A. Islam, and Saleh Naqib Journal of Alloys and Compounds 781 (2019) 37-46 DOI: https://10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.12.035
[60] Physical properties of niobium based intermetallics (Nb3B; B = Os, Pt, Au): a DFT based ab-initio study Mosammat I. Naher, Fahmida Parvin, Azharul K.M.A. Islam, and Saleh H. Naqib, Europ. J. Phys. B, 91, 289 (2018)
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[61] Mechanical behaviors, lattice thermal conductivity and vibrational properties of a new MAX phase Lu2SnC M.A. Hadi, N. Kelaidis, S.H. Naqib, A. Chroneos, A.K.M.A. Islam Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 129, 162-171 (2019),
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[63] First-principles study: Structural, mechanical, electronic and thermodynamic properties of simple-cubic-perovskite (Ba0.62K0.38)(Bi0.92Mg0.08)O3 Mirza H.K.Rubel, M.Mozahar Ali, M.S.Ali, R.Parvin, M.M.Rahaman, K.M.Hossain, M.I.Hossain, A.K.M.A.Islam, N.Kumada Solid State Communications, Volume 288, February 2019, Pages 22-27
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[64] Phase stability and physical properties of (Zr1-xNbx)2AlC MAX phases M. A. Hadi, A K M A Islam, A Chroneos, R. V. Vovk, U. Monira, S H Naqib, N. Kelaidis Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids Volume 132, September 2019, Pages 38-47
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[65] Effects of transition metals on physical properties of M2BC (M =V, Nb, Mo and Ta): A DFT calculation P.Barua , M.M.Hossain, M.A.Ali, M.M.Uddin, S.H.Naqib, A.K.M.A.Islam Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 770, 5 January 2019, Pages 523-534 DOI: doi: https://10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.08.155
[66] Physical properties of niobium based intermetallics (Nb3B; B = Os, Pt, Au): a DFT based ab-initio study Mosammat I. Naher, Fahmida Parvin, Azharul K.M.A. Islam, and Saleh H. Naqib, Europ. J. Phys. B, 91, 289 (2018)
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[67] Newly synthesized MgAl2Ge2: A first-principles comparison with its silicide and carbide counterparts A.M.M. Tanveer Karim, M.A. Hadi, M.A. Alam, F. Parvin, S.H. Naqib, A.K.M.A. Islam Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 117,139-147 (2018)
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[68] Physical properties and defect process of M3SnC2 (M = Ti, Zr, Hf) MAX phases: Effect of M-elements M. A. Hadi, S.–R. G. Christopoulos, S. H. Naqib, A. Chroneos,, M. W. Fitzpatrick, and A. K. M. A. Islam Journal of Alloys and Compounds 748, 804-813 (2018) Impact Factor: 4.35
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[69] Recently synthesized (Zr 1-x Ti x ) 2 AlC (0 ≤  x  ≤ 1) solid solutions: Theoretical study of the effects of M mixing on physical properties M.A. Ali, M.M. Hossain, M.A. Hossain, M.T. Nasir, M.M. Uddin, M.Z. Hasan, A.K.M.A. Islam, S.H. Naqib Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 743, 146-154 (2018) DOI: doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.01.396
[70] Predicted MAX phase Sc2InC: dynamical stability, vibrational and optical properties A. Chowdhury, M. A. Ali, M. M. Hossain, M. M. Uddin, S. H. Naqib, A. K. M. A. Islam Physica Status Solidi B: Basic Solid State Physics, First published: 11 September 2017 DOI: doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/pssb.201700235
[71] Elastic, thermodynamic and optical behavior of V2AC (A = Al, Ga) MAX phases M.R. Khatun, M.A. Ali, F. Parvin, A.K.M.A. Islam Results in Physics, Volume 7, 2017, Pages 3634-3639
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[72] First-principles study of superconducting ScRhP and ScIrP pnictides M. A. Hadi, M. T. Nasir, M. A. Rayhan, M. A. Ali, M. M. Hossain, M. Roknuzzaman, Saleh Naqib, A.K.M. A. Islam, M.M. Uddin, K. Ostrikov Phys. Status Solidi B 2017, 00, 1700336.
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[73] Mechanical behavior, bonding nature and defect processes of Mo2ScAlC2: A new ordered MAX phase M.A. Hadi, S.H. Naqib, S.-R.G. Chrisstopoulos, A. Chroneos, and A.K.M.A. Islam Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 724, 1167-1175 (July 2017)
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[74] Elastic and thermodynamic properties of new (Zr3-xTix)AlC2 MAX-phase solid solutions M. A. Hadi, M. Roknuzzaman, A. Chroneos, S. H. Naqib, A. K. M. A. Islam, R. V. Vovk, K.Ostrikov Computational Materials Science, 137, 318-326 (2017) DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2017.06.007;
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[75] Theoretical investigation of structural, elastic and electronic properties of ternary boride MoAlB M. A Ali, M.A. Hadi, M. M Hossain, S. H Naqib, A.K.M. A Islam Physica status solidi (b) (2017): Full publication history doi:10.1002/pssb.201700010
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[76] Density functional theory study of a new Bi-based (K1.00)(Ba1.00)3(Bi0.89Na0.11)4O12 double perovskite superconductor Mirza H. K. Rubel, M. A. Hadi, M. M. Rahaman, M. S. Ali, M. Aftabuzzaman, A. K. M. A. Islam, and N. Kumada, Computational Materials Science, 138, 160-165 (2017)
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[78] New Ternary superconducting compound LaRu2As2: DFT calculations of some physical properties M. A. Hadi, M. S. Ali, S. H. Naqib and A. K. M. A. Islam Chinese Physics B, 26 (3) 037103 (2017) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1674-1056/26/3/037103
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[80] Structural, elastic, and electronic properties of newly discovered Li2PtSi3 superconductor: Effect of transition metals M. A. Alam, Saleh Hasan Naqib, M. A. Hadi, M. T. Nasir, M.Roknuzzaman, F. Parvin, M. A. K. Zilani, A. K. M. A. Islam, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism , 29 (10), 2503-2508 (Oct. 2016). doi:10.1007/s10948-016-3619-7
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[83] Structural, elastic, electronic and optical properties of Cu3MTe4 (M = Nb, Ta) sulvanites: An ab initio study M. A. Ali, M. Roknuzzaman, M. T. Nasir, A. K. M. A. Islam, S. H. Naqib International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol. 30 (2016) 1650089 (10 pages)
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[87] Structural, Elastic, and Electronic Properties of Recently Discovered Ternary Silicide Superconductor Li2IrSi3: An ab-initio Study M. A. Hadi, M. A. Alam, M. Roknuzzaman, M. T. Nasir, A. K. M. A. Islam, S. H. Naqib. Chinese Physics B 10/2015; 24(11):117401.
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[88] First-principles Study of Vickers Hardness and Thermodynamic Properties of Ti3SnC2 Polymorphs M. A. Rayhan, M. A. Ali, S. H. Naqib, A. K. M. A. Islam, Journal of Scientific Research Vol 7, No 3, 53-64, (2015)
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[89] ELECTRONIC, OPTICAL AND THERMAL PROPERTIES OF TiCr2 AND TiMn2 BY AB INITIO SIMULATIONS M. S. Ali, M. Roknuzzaman, R. Parvin, A. K. M. A. Islam, K. Ostrikov Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 29, 1550223 (2015) [13 pages]
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[90] Mechanical, electronic, optical, thermodynamic properties and superconductivity of ScGa3 F. Parvin, M A Hossain, M S Ali, A K M A Islam Physica B Condensed Matter, 457, 320-325 (Jan 2015)
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[91] Sulvanite Compounds Cu3TMS4 (TM = V, Nb and Ta): Elastic, Electronic, Optical and Thermal Properties using First-principles Method M. A. Ali, N. Jahan, and A. K. M. A. Islam, J. Sci. Res. 6 (3), 407-419 (2014)
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[92] New superconductor (Na0.25K0.45) Ba3Bi4O12: A first-principle study M.S. Ali, M. Aftabuzzaman, M. Roknuzzaman b, M.A. Rayhan, F. Parvin, M.M. Ali, M.H.K. Rubel, A.K.M.A. Islam Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 506, 53-58 (15 Nov 2014)
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[93] Zirconium metal-based MAX phases Zr2AC (A = Al, Si, P and S): A first-principles study M. T. Nasir, M. A. Hadi, S. H. Naqib, F. Parvin, A. K. M. A. Islam, M. Roknuzzaman, M. S. Ali, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 28, 1550022 (2014) [16 pages]
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[94] Superconducting Double Perovskite Bismuth Oxide Prepared by a Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Reaction M H. K. Rubel, Prof. A Miura, Prof. T Takei, […] M. M Ali, […] Prof. A. K. M. A Islam Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Volume 53, Issue 14, 3599–3603 (April 1, 2014), Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co., DOI: 10.1002/anie.201400607 Abstract , Article, PDF(672K) Impact Factor: 11.709 (2015); 11.261 (2014) Discovery of a Perovskite-type oxide superconductor with a new ordered structure Visit Spring.8 Press Release:
DOI: doi: DOI: http://www.spring8.or.jp/en/news_publications/press_release/2014/140303/
Schematic diagram of the Perovskite-type structure and A-site ordered double Perovskite-type structure. Perovskite has one kind of A-site, but in the A-site ordered double Perovskite-type structure there are two kinds: A'site and A"site, so it has a doubled unit cell. In the superconductor discovered in the current research, the A'site is occupied by Sodium and Potassium, while the A"site is occupied by Barium.
[95] Superconducting Double Perovskite Bismuth Oxide Prepared by a Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Reaction M H. K. Rubel, Prof. A Miura, Prof. T Takei, […] M. M Ali, […] Prof. A. K. M. A Islam Supporting Information file, Wiley-VCH 2014, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, anie_201400607_sm_miscellaneous_information.pdf
Contents - Experimental methods, Results of chemical (or elemental) analysis and final Rietveld refinement parameters, X-ray powder diffraction pattern, Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image, results of Thermograviemetric analysis (TG) and Mass spectrometry, Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrum, Temperature dependence of DC magnet ic susceptibility curves, High temperature synchrotron X-ray diffraction (HTSXRD) patterns, Laboratory XRD patterns for as prepared and high pressed samples, and Partial density of states (PDOS) curves.
German Version: Superconducting Double Perovskite Bismuth Oxide Prepared by a Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Reaction M H. K. Rubel, Prof. A Miura, Prof. T Takei, […] M. M Ali, […] Prof. A. K. M. A Islam Angewandte Chemie, 126 (Issue 14), 3673–3677 (April 1, 2014) Version of Record online : 26 FEB 2014,
DOI: doi: DOI:https://doi.org/10.1002/ange.201400607500073
[96] HARDNESS, THERMODYNAMIC AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF SUPER-CONDUCTING Nb2AsC, Nb2InC, AND Mo2GaC FROM FIRST-PRINCIPLES M. A. HADI, M. S. ALI, S. H. NAQIB, and A. K. M. A. ISLAM, International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering 02, 1350007 (2013) [15 pages]
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[100] Rare earth rhodium borides RRh3B (R = Y, Zr, and Nb): Mechanical, thermal and optical properties. M.A. Hossain, M.S. Ali, A.K.M.A. Islam, The European Physical Journal B 85, 396 (2012).
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[109] Elastic Behavior of γ-Li3N under Pressure M. A. Hossain, A. K. M. A. Islam J. Sci. Res. 3 (3), 579-584 (2011), doi:10.3329/jsr.v3i3.7832
[110] On the Emergence of Superconductivity in LaOFeAs: Study of the Electronic Structure and Lattice Dynamics. M. Aftabuzzaman, A.K.M.A.Islam, S. H. Naqib J. Sci. Res. 3 (1), 1-11 (2011). doi:10.3329/jsr.v3i1.6211
[111] A high pressure Ca-VI phase between 158 and 180 GPa: stability, electronic structure and superconductivity M. Aftabuzzaman, A.K.M.A. Islam J. Phys: Cond. Matter 23 (10), 105701 (2011) doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/23/10/105701
[112] New Superconducting RbFe2As2: A first-principles investigation. M. Aftabuzzaman, A.K.M.A. Islam Physica C: Superconductivity, 470, 202-205 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.physc.2009.12.040
SciVerse – Elsevier: Among Top 25 Hottest Articles, Physics and Astronomy> Physica C: Superconductivity, January to March 2010.
[113] Elastic properties of mono- and poly-crystalline PbO-type FeSe1-xTex (x = 0 - 1.0): A first-principles study. S. Chandra, A.K.M.A. Islam Physica C: Superconductivity, 470, 2072 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.physc.2010.10.001
SciVerse – Elsevier: Among Top 25 Hottest Articles, Physics and Astronomy > Physica C: Superconductivity, Oct. to December 2010.
[114] AlH3 between 65 and 110 GPa: Implications of electronic band and phonon structures. M. Ali, A.K.M.A. Islam Physica C: Superconductivity 470, 403-406 (2010), doi:10.1016/j.physc.2010.02.091
[115] Superconductivity in Diamond-like BC3 Phase. M. Ali, A.K.M. A. Islam, M. Aftabuzzaman, F. Parvin J. Sci. Res. 2, 203-213 (2010), DOI: 10.3329/jsr.v2i2.2638
[116] Superconductor-insulator phase transition in single-crystal La2-xSrxCuO4 films grown by the liquid-phase epitaxy method. Islam, A.T.M.N; Hitosugi, T.; Dudzik, E.; Hasegawa, T.; Ueda, S.; Takano, Y.; Islam, F. N.; Khan, M. K. R.; Islam, M. N.; Islam, A. K. M. A.; Watauchi, S.; Tanaka, I., Phys. Rev. B 80, 024505 (2009). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.80.024505
[117] Elastic Properties of α- and β-phases of Li3N M.A. Hossain, A.K.M.A. Islam J. Sci. Res. 1 (2), 182-189 (2009), DOI: 10.3329/jsr.v1i2.1763
[118] Superconductivity in Diamond-like BC3 Phase: A First-principles Investigation MM Ali, A Islam, F Parvin, M Aftabuzzaman arXiv:0910.5083v2 [cond-mat.supr-con]
[119] Electronic band structure, phonon spectrum, and elastic properties of LaOFeAs M Aftabuzzaman, A.K.M.A. Islam, SH Naqib arXiv:0909.2914v2 [cond-mat.supr-con]
[120] Superconductor-insulator phase transition in single-crystal La 2− x Sr x CuO 4 films grown by the liquid-phase epitaxy method ATMN Islam A Islam, T Hitosugi, E Dudzik, T Hasegawa, S Ueda, Y Takano, ...Physical Review B 80 (2), 024505
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.80.024505
[121] Superconducting Noble Metal Diborides. In: Superconductivity Research Developments. A.K.M.A. Islam,F. Parvin, ISBN: 978-1-60021-848-4, Editor: James R Tobin, pp 63-92 ©2008 Nova Science Publications, Inc (New York). Best Seller. Visit
DOI: https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=5883
[122] AgB2: superconductivity and the role of paramagnons. A.K.M. A. Islam, F. Parvin, F.N. Islam, M.N. Islam, A.T.M.N. Islam and I. Tanaka Physica C: Superconductivity 466, 76-81 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.physc.2007.06.003
[123] Elastic and electronic properties of BeB2 in comparison to superconducting MgB¬2 and NbB2 Islam, A. K. M. A.; Islam, F. N.; Iqbal, M. S.; Jalbout, A. F.; Adamowicz, L Solid State Communications, 139, 315 (2006), doi:10.1016/j.ssc.2006.04.043
[124] NbB2: a density functional study. A.K.M.A. Islam, A.S. Sikder, F.N. Islam Physics Letters A 350, 288 (2006) doi:10.1016/j.physleta.2005.09.085
[125] Superconducting NbB2: An ab initio study of elastic constants. A.S. Sikder, A.K.M.A. Islam, M. Nuruzzaman, F.N. Islam Solid State Commun. 137, 253 (2006) doi:10.1016/j.ssc.2005.11.032
[126] 2D van Hove superconductors with weak and strong couplings A.K.M.A. Islam, F. Parvin The Nucleus, 42, 149-152 (2&3) (2005).
[127] VB2 and ZrB2: a density functional study. S T Mahmud, A K M A Islam and F N Islam J. Physics: Condens. Matter, 16, 2335 (2005). doi:10.1088/0953-8984/16/13/013
[128] AuB2 in comparison to superconducting MgB2 – an ab initio study. F. Parvin, A.K.M.A. Islam Solid State Commun. 130, 567 (2004). doi:10.1016/j.ssc.2004.02.019
[129] Electron impact single ionization of ionic targets with charge q >2. M A Uddin, A K Basak, A K M A Islam and F B Malik J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 37, 1909 (2004). doi:10.1088/0953-4075/37/9/011
[130] Occurrence of superconductivity in diboride of Zr. F.N. Islam, A.K.M.A. Islam Physica C 426-431[P], 464 (2004), doi:10.1088/0953-8984/16/13/013
[131] Superconductivity of Li under pressure A Razzaque,A Islam FN Islam, MN Islam Solid state communications 131 (11), 671-675.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssc.2004.06.035
[132] MgB2: Superconductivity and Pressure. A.K.M.A. Islam, F.N. Islam Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 17(21) 3785 (2003), doi:10.1142/S0217979203021836
[133] Mechanical behaviour of AgB2 in comparison to MgB2 – a first principle study. F. Parvin, A.K.M.A. Islam, F.N. Islam, A.F.M.A. Wahed, M.E. Haque Physica C: Superconductivity, 390 (1), 16 (2003) doi:10.1016/S0921-4534(03)00868-2
[134] Modelling of Eliashberg spectral functions for BaxK1-xBiO3 (x=.5, .6, .7) superconductors U.S. Nazia A.K.M.A. Islam, Solid State Commun. 125(1), 37 (2003). doi:10.1016/S0038-1098(02)00623-3
[135] Electronic structure and electric field gradient in MgB2 under pressure: an ab initio study F N Islam, A K M A Islam and M N Islam, Physics: Condens. Matter, 13, 11661 (2001). doi:10.1088/0953-8984/13/50/325
[136] Ab initio investigation of elastic constants of superconducting MgB2. A.K.M.A. Islam, F.N. Islam, Physica C: Superconductivity, 363 (3), 189-193 (2001). DOI: 10.1016/S0921-4534(01)00973-X
[137] Ab initio investigation of mechanical behaviour of MgB2 superconductor under pressure. A K M A Islam, F N Islam and S Kabir, J. Physics: Condens. Matter, 13 (27), L641 (2001). doi:10.1088/0953-8984/13/27/105
[138] Model spectral function for MgB2 superconductor. A.K.M.A. Islam, F.N. Islam, M.N. Islam, Physics Letters A 286 (5) 357 (2001).
DOI: doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0375-9601(01)00434-0
[139] Variation of copper-isotope exponent with oxygen deficiency in YBa2Cu3O7-x. A.K.M.A. Islam, R.S. Islam, S.H. Naqib, Physics Letters A 270, 191 (2000). 10.1016/S0375-9601(00)00285-1
[140] Eliashberg Spectral Functions for High-Tc Superconductors. A.T. M. N. Islam, A. K. M. A. Islam , Journal of Superconductivity, 13 (4), 559 (2000).
DOI: doi: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1007816715982
[141] Modeling of the Complex Doping Dependence of dTc/dP of YBa2Cu3O6+x. R.S. Islam, S.H. Naqib, A.K.M.A. Islam, Journal of Superconductivity, 13 (3), 485 (2000).
DOI: doi: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1007775630383
[142] Modeling of Eliashberg Spectral Functions for High-Tc Superconductors. A.K.M.A. Islam, Magnetic & Superconducting Materials, Vol A, pp 75-82 (World Scientific, Singapore 2000). 10.1142/9789812793676_0009
[143] Variation of copper-isotope exponent with oxygen deficiency in YBa2Cu3O7-x. A.K.M.A. Islam, R.S. Islam, S.H. Naqib, Physics Letters A 270, 191 (2000).
DOI: doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0375-9601(00)00285-1
[144] Lattice Gas Phenomenology, Van Hove Scenario and the complex doping dependence of dTc/dP(x) of YBa2Cu3O6+x. R.S. Islam, S.H. Naqib, A.K.M.A. Islam, IIn: Magnetic and Superconducting Materials : Volume 1,Eds. M. Akhavan, J. Jensen, K.K. Kitajawa (World Scientific, Singapore, 2000) pp. 91-99.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1142/4365-vol1
[145] Doping dependent isotope exponent (α) of high-Tc superconductors within the Van Hove scenario A.M. Shamsuzzaman and A.K.M.A. Islam, Magnetic and Superconducting Materials : Volume 1, Eds. M. Akhavan, J. Jensen, K.K. Kitajawa (World Scientific, Singapore, 2000) pp. 283-288.
Conf. & Archive Papers
[146] A comparative theoretical study on physical properties of synthesized AVO3 (A= Ba, Sr, Ca, Pb) perovskites Khandaker Monower Hossain, Mirza HK Rubel, MM Rahaman, MM Hossain, Md Imran Hossain, Anjuman Ara Khatun, J Hossain, A.K.M.A. Islam,arXiv:1905.01437v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
[147] Structural, Elastic, Electronic and Optical Properties of Quaternary Chalcogenides BaLa2In2S7: First Principle Study P. Barua • M.M. Hossain • M.A. Ali • [...] • A.K.M.A. Islam, [Show abstract] Conference Paper • Jan 2017
[148] Phase stability and physical properties of hypothetical V4SiC3 F. Parvin, M.M. Hossain, A.K.M.A. Islam, Arxiv preprint, arXiv:1110.4452v2
[149] Structural, elastic, electronic and optical properties of a newly predicted layered-ternary Ti4SiN3: A First-principles study M. M. Hossain, M. S. Ali, A. K. M. A. Islam, arXiv preprint, arXiv:1108.0553v1

A.K.M.A. Islam: Publication List from 146 to 298: click the Link below: Please visit: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/A-K-M-Islam/research

List of remaining publications (146* – 298+1)
Please visit: A.K.M.A. Islam: Publication List from 146 to 298+1:
click the Link below
Research (296+2+1): https://www.researchgate.net/profile/A-K-M-Islam/research
Experience in Research Supervision and Achievements
Total research students = 125 (Masters, M.Phil & Ph.D theses) [ List enclosed - Appendix 2]

Teaching Experience in Physics Department (Rajshahi University) As Professor = 1984 – 2012
Total teaching period at RU = January 1968 – June 2012 + 1 Year LPR

Experience as Supervisor in the Last 20 years (2002 – 2022)
Ph.D. = 1 M E Huque (session 1982-1983; Actual 1987-90)
Ph.D = 2+2   2002: F.N. Islam (August)
                     2008: F. Parvin
                     2016: M. A. Hadi
                     2022: Mrs. Asma (Asst. Prof., Dinajpur University)
5 More Registered for PhD – Did not continue after 1-2 years
M.Phil = 1 M Khademul Islam (1981-1982)
M.Phil = 2 2012: M. Anwar Hossain
2014: M. Abdul Hadi
M.Phil = 1 2018: Miss Umama Monira
Masters = 125 List of studentsresearch students – [ Pl. see Appendix 2]
Articles on Physics Education etc
  • 1. Physics and society in developing countries
    Phys. Educ. (U.K), 13, 357 (1978).Please visit: https://doi.org/10.1088/0031-9120/13/6/310

  • 2. Physics teaching in developing countries
    Physics Bulletin 28(8):352-352 (1977).) DOI: 10.1088/0031-9112/28/8/010
  • 3. Effective development of new physics curricula.
    Regional Conf. on University Physics Education, Penang, Malaysia, May 1977.
  • 4. The role of the teaching laboratory in physics education.
    Regional Conf. on Univ. Physics Education, Penang, Malaysia, May 1977.
  • 5.Postgraduate education of physicists.
    Regional Conf. on University Physics Education, Penang, Malaysia, May 1977.
  • 6. Physics and curricula at Rajshahi University.
    Regional Conf. on University Physics Education, Penang, Malaysia, May 1977.
  • 7. Problems and policy of physics education in developing countries.
    Proc. International Conf. on Role of Lab. in Physics Education, Jaipur (India, 1985) p-289.
  • 8. Some peculiarities of the problems in communicating physics to students in developing countries. Intern. Conf. on Physics Education held at Duisburg University, Germany (1985).
  • 9. Science & Technology in Muslim Countries – Present Status, Prospects and Strategies for Development, VAST Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia, 1997) – published.
  • 10. The Education Policy & the Curricula of Schools in Bangladesh.
    Muslim Education Quarterly, 19(1), 71 (2001).
ICTP (Italy) Publication
  • Dipole moment functions and radiative lifetimes of alkali halide molecules. ICTP Reprint (1985).
  • Ion model and dipole polarizabilities in energy calculations. ICTP Report IC/85/21.
  • Equilibrium geometry and energy of unmixed lithium halide dimers. Proc. of the LAMP Conf. at ICTP, Italy (March 1985).
  • Superconductivity in silver diboride, Presented at the Bangalore Intern. Conf (13-15 July, 2006).
  • Superconducting Materials Research: An Overview – International Conference on Electronics, Computer and Communication (Rajshahi, June 2008).
Conference Proceedings Edited
  • Condensed Matter Physics: Vol I, Proceedings of the 1996 International Workshop (Rajshahi 28 Oct- 1 Nov, 1996), Edited by A.K.M.A. Islam. ISBN 984-30-0269-5 (pp 264). Catalogued by US Library of Congress, ICTP Library.
  • High-Tc Superconductors: Proceedings of the 1998 International Workshop (12th Anniversary Workshop, Rajshahi, Bangladesh, 2-6 November, 1998) A.K.M. A. Islam; Rajshahi University ISBN 10: 9843103939, ISBN 13: 9789843103932, Publisher: Condensed Matter Physics Group, Dept. of Physics, Rajshahi University, Publication Date: 1998

    LCCN permalink: http://lccn.loc.gov/99938837, CALL NUMBER: QC611.98.H54 H5 1998 Jefferson or Adams Building Reading Rooms
    US Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data available from Website: http://www.oclc.org; http://lcweb.loc.gov/catalog/; Also catalogued by ICTP Library, and several UK, USA, Japan, China, Singapore, India & Pakistan University Libraries.

Proceedings of the International Workshop on High-Tc Superconductors
A. K. M. A. Islam, https://books.google.com.bd/books?isbn=9843103939
‎Rājāśāhī Bīśvabidyālaya. Condensed Matter Physics Group - 1998 - ‎Snippet view A K M A Islam Department of Physics Rajshahi University Rajshahi-6205, BANGLADESH

Books Authored and Published

1 A.K.M. A. Islam, F. Parvin, Superconducting Noble Metal Diboride, Chapter 3 in: Supeconductivity Research Developments; ISBN-13:978-1-60021-848-4 (hardcover); ISBN-10:1-60021-848-2 (hardcover), Editor: James R Tobin, pp 63-92 © 2008 Nova Science Publications, Inc (New York). https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=5883 e-Book: Supeconductivity Research Developments, Pub. Date: 2008, ISBN: 978-1-60692-762-5, https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=10572 Nova Science Publications, Inc (New York)
2 Electricity, Magnetism and Modern Physics (Text Book)
A.K.M.A. Islam, M.N. Islam,
M.S. Islam
Ist Ed., July 1985
2nd Ed., April 1988
3rd Ed., Sept. 1997
4th Ed. Agreement
Bangla Academy, Dhaka
Bangla Academy, Dhaka
Books Pavillion, Rajshahi
Quality Publication, Dhaka
3 On Solid State of Matter (Popular book)
A.K.M.A. Islam
First Ed., April 1989
2nd Ed., 2000
Bangla Academy, Dhaka
Bangla Academy, Dhaka
4 Nuclear Physics (Text Book)
A.K.M.A. Islam, M.A. Islam
First Ed., April 1989
2nd Ed., 2000
3rd Ed. Agreement
University Grants Commission
University Grants Commission
Time Science Publicat., Dhaka
5 Electrodynamics (Text Book)
A.K.M.A. Islam, S.N. Islam
First Ed. Dec, 1993
2nd Ed. Agreement
Text Book Publ. Board, R.U.
Time Science Publicat., Dhaka
6 Chotoder Biswakosh#
(Children’s Encyclopaedia) – Vol. II
A.K.M.A. Islam
First Ed., 2002 Bangladesh Islamic Foundation, Dhaka
7 Chotoder Biswakosh#
(Children’s Encyclopaedia) – Vol. I
A.K.M.A. Islam
First Ed., 2003 Bangladesh Islamic Foundation, Dhak
8 Theory of Evolution – An Analysis
(Translated & edited)
A.K.M.A. Islam, S.M.H. Rahman
First Ed., July 2000
ISBN 984-31-0921-4
Tanwi Publishers, Rajshahi
9 Education Policy of Bangladesh
(School and Madrasah Education)
Bā̄ṃlādeśe skula o mādrāsā śikshānīti o pāṭhyakrama : Makkā ghoshaṇāra āloke mūlyāẏana
A.K.M.A. Islam, S.M.H. Rahman
First Ed. 2003
ISBN 984-32-0760-2
Ahsan Publication, Dhaka
Catalogued: US Library of Congress.
ACCESS: Asian Reading Room (Jefferson, LJ150)
CALL NUMBER:LC904 .I855 2003 Ben
10 Smriti amlana
US Lib Congress (Smriti amlana)
Isalāma, E. Ke. Ema. Ājahārula
A.K.M.A. Islam
First Edition 2006 (282+xv)
ISBN 9843228693
Kavico Associates, Chittagong
Catalogued: US Library of Congress.
QD22.L35 S67 2006 FT MEADE Asian Reading Room (Jefferson LJ150) - STORED OFFSITE
11 Bedevilled World
A.K.M.A. Islam
324+viii (March 2008)
ISBN: 81-88869-26-0
Global Media Publications, New Delhi, India
12 (Nindito Bishwa Nandito Gantabbo)
A.K.M.A. Islam
352+xvi (July 2007) ISBN 984-300-000158-0 Allama Fazlullah Foundation,
13 عالم الغابة والهدف المنشود
Arabic version of ‘Bedevilled World’
A.K.M.A. Islam
2011 Beirut, Lebanon (Prof. Hendawi)
14 IIUC Vision 2030 – A Roadmap for Excellence 2017 IIUC, Chittagong
15 Amra Kon Pathe - Daidayithha and Jabadihitha 353 + xii (July 2009) Porilekh Prokasoni, Rajshahi
16 Salat for the Beginners 2019 Rajshahi
17 Rokomari Rachana Somogro 527+xiv (Sept 2020 Porilekh Prokasoni, Rajshahi
18 Media, Bak Shadhinota O Islamphobia
#Contributor of a chapter
358+x (April 2022) Porilekh Prokasoni, Rajshahi
19 Roza, Shastho O Autophogy
Bakhya Opobakhya
To be in published July 2022 Porilekh Prokasoni, Rajshahi
20 Qur’ane Kothito Boigganik Oshongoti Nov 2024 Porilekh Prokasoni, Rajshahi
General Articles: Published in Periodicals, National Dailies & Conference Proceedings (151):
  • Challenges and Opportunities of Globalization: ICT, Media & Cultural Issues in Bangladesh Perspective - presented at the 37th Convention of the Institution of Engineers of Bangladesh (5-7 January 2003) – published in the proceedings.
  • Jakarta ICIS II: Muslims Nations To Stand Up and Be Counted.
  • Reawakening of the dissipated potentials of Muslim Youths (8th global conf in Kuwait),
  • Appearance of First Man Adam
  • Image of Islam & Jakarta Declaration
  • Tathya Projugti O Muslim Biswa” in Bengali, June 2003
  • Away from the wild wild world (New Age, 19 Aug 2004)
  • Private Universities – problems and prospects (Naya Diganta)
  • Information Technology and the Muslim World, Malaysia
  • Cartoons versus pretext of freedom of expression, New Age (20**)
  • -Amar Desh 30 July 2009
  • -Amar Desh 29 Jan 2008
  • -Amar Desh June 2009
  • -Naya Diganta , August 2007
  • -Nirjhar Article – June/July 2009
  • Faster-Than-Light Particle or Is it? - Physics Seminar Lecture on Neutrino at RU – 10 Oct 2010
  • -Naya Diganta, 2010 July-August
  • -Press Club Article (published)
  • Freedom of Speech and Obscene Movie – Innocence of Muslim” – September 2012
  • BanglaJOl and the JSR Experiences with the online journal system, 2009 - INASP News Letter (UK)
  • Enhancing Reputation of the Muslim World Universities – Trends in Bangladesh (Framework for classification and ranking of the universities of the Muslim world), 11-13 June 2013 – Khartoum, Sudan (32 slides Power Point Presentation)
  • Future Of University and University of the Future, VC Forum 2013, Islamabad, Pakistan (23-24 September) - Panel Discussion, 21 slides presentation

  • The COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan in collaboration with the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO); Higher Education Commission, Pakistan (HEC); Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Pakistan (MoST); and the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW) is organizing a 2 - Day Vice Chancellors’ Forum on ‘Universities in the Islamic World: Challenges of Internationalization’. The Forum is scheduled to be held on September 23 - 24, 2013. Venue of the Forum is Serena Hotel, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Knowledge-based Development in Muslim Countries – Status and Prospects – IIUC Conf at Dhaka (2010) and Turkey Lect (June 2014)
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Reflections of a Physicist, ICOBIEE (Penang, Malaysia, 6-8 December 2013)
  • Socioeconomic Development: Econophysics, Econoshariah as Secular & Divine Resources, iEcons15 (Thailand, 29-30 September 2015) - Keynote Speech
  • Exciting 3D MAX Phases and The Derived 2d new Wonder Materials - IIUC Intern Conference: ICISET-2016 28-29 October 2016
  • Workshop on University-Industry Collaboration arranged jointly by IEEE-B’desh Chapter & IIUC (Chittagong-2016).
  • HRM Issues at BSHRM Chitagong Summit 2017
  • Keynote Speech (Plenary Session) – “Justice, Peace and Security – Universal Aspirations and Islamic Worldview” at the International Conference on World Peace and Security – Role of Islam (ICWPSRI 2017) (Dec. 30-31, 2017) at International Islamic University Chittagong attended by participants from 30 countries.

  • + Many More

Other Works
  • K+d Scan Statistics and efficiency. Imperial College Report KD-09/1970.
  • H.P.D ionization measurements and automatic selection of GRIND hypotheses. Imperial College Report KD-10/03/1971.
  • Further results on the quality of ionization information. Imperial College Report
  • KD-11/06/1971.
  • "Production of Hypernuclei", Rajshahi University, M.Sc. Thesis (1967).
  • Superfluid 3He. The Physicist, 17 (2) 16 (1997).
Award List in Chronogical Order
  • 1961: Hazi Mohd. Mohsin Prize and Bogra Textile Mill Prize for result at Matriculation in the East Pakistan Secondary Education Board, Dhaka.
  • 1964: Governor’s First Prize, Air Travel and Certificate for National level Essay Competition in the then East Pakistan
  • 1966: Habib Bank Gold Medal and Book prize for B.Sc. Hons result
  • 1967: Habib Bank Gold Medal and Book prize for B.Sc. Hons result
  • 1968: Presentation of Insignia of the then Pakistan Civil and Military Award as well as President’s Medal for Pride of Performance (Gold Medal, US$ 1000 Prize Money and National Tour)
  • 1968: Government Merit Scholarship for PhD at Imperial College of Sci. & Tech, London
  • 1969: Gold Medals at Rajshahi University Convocation (in absentia) for achieving Faculty First Positions at Both B.Sc. Hons and M.Sc Examinations
  • 1991: Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia honoures as a Supervisor of UGC PhD Research Fellows in a Ceremony at Dhaka.
  • 1997: UGC Resaerch Award – Education Minister of Bangladesh
  • 2001: ISESCO International Science Award for Meritorious Research Achievements in the field of Physics (US$ 5000 + Tour & others)
  • 2006: Bangladesh Academy of Sciences Gold Medal Award 2006 (Awarded by Hon’ble President of Bangladesh
  • 2010: International CSE Award (2010) as an Editor of Science Journal of the Third World on the occasion of 52nd Annual Conference of the Council of Science Editors (Atlanta, 14-18 May 2010).
  • 2016: United Group Outstanding Research Paper Award 2016 – (Awarded by the Education Minister at Dhaka, 22 April 2016).
  • 2016 UGC Reception for author of University Text book (Crest & Certificate by Education Minister)
  • 2017: United Group Outstanding Research Award 2017 – (To be awarded)

  • + Several other awards and receptions by cultural & Educational Organizations including Rajshahi University

ISESCO Science Award

University Grants Commission of Bangladesh Science Award (Original Research Work in the Field of Science and Agriculture) –1997

Bangladesh Academy of Science Gold Medal in recognition of significant contributions in the field of Condensed Matter Physics (2006)

Discovery of a Perovskite-type oxide superconductor with a new ordered structure

Visit Spring.8 Press Release:
Visit Tokyo Tech News:

Release Date: 03 Mar, 2014 Superconducting double perovskite bismuth oxide (Na0.25K0.45)(Ba1.00)3(Bi1.00)4O12 prepared by a low-temperature hydrothermal reaction (Press Release)
  • University of Yamanashi
  • Hiroshima University
  • Tokyo Institute of Technology

  • A new superconducting double perovskite bismuth oxide, (Na0.25K0.45)(Ba1.00)3(Bi1.00)4O12, was discovered.
  • This is the first example of an A-site ordered double perovskite structure with superconductive properties.
  • This discovery provides a guiding principle for the exploration of new high-temperature superconductors, and an increased understanding of the mechanisms of superconductivity.

Research groups lead by Profs. Kumada and Tanaka (University of Yamanashi), Prof. Kuroiwa (Hiroshima University), Prof. Azuma (Tokyo Institute of Technology), and Prof. A.K.M.A. Islam (Rajshahi University, Bangladesh) discovered a new superconductive bismuth oxide, (Na0.25K0.45)(Ba1.00)3(Bi1.00)4O12.

The structure of this material is an A-site ordered double perovskite(1), in which barium, sodium, and potassium occupy sites in an ordered way. This finding provides a guiding principle for exploring new high-temperature superconductors and understanding the mechanisms of superconductivity.

The achievements of this research were published online in the German scientific journal Angewandte Chemie International Edition on 26 February 2014.


"Superconducting double perovskite bismuth oxide (Na0.25K0.45)(Ba1.00)3(Bi1.00)4O12 prepared by a low-temperature hydrothermal reaction"

    Mirza H. K. Rubel, Akira Miura, Takahiro Takei, Nobuhiro Kumada, M. Mozahar Ali, Masanori Nagao, Satoshi Watauchi, Isao Tanaka, Kengo Oka, Masaki Azuma, Eisuke Magome, Chikako Moriyoshi, Yoshihiro Kuroiwa, A. K. M. Azharul Islam

Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Published Online 26 February 2014.

Although the superconductor(2) is an important functional material for maglev propulsion systems and MRI techniques, it requires a considerable amount of energy for cooling, which is essential for the occurrence of the superconductivity phenomenon. Many types of superconductive materials have been developed to overcome the cooling requirement, including Cu-based, Bi-based, and Fe-based superconductors. Moreover, the superconductive mechanism in high-temperature superconductive materials is an important but unsolved scientific problem. This new bismuth oxide material was synthesized via a hydrothermal method(3), which has been used for the syntheses of quartz, nanoparticles, and ceramics. The material formed a perovskite-type structure consisting of sodium, potassium, barium, bismuth, and oxygen, and its superconducting transition was confirmed at 27 K. Zero resistivity(4) was confirmed in the pressed pellet form. Electron diffraction and synchrotron X-ray diffraction(5) analyses revealed that the material did not have a commonly reported simple perovskite structure, but it exhibited an A-site ordered double perovskite structure with a longer range ordering. In this structure, the A site in ABO3 perovskite oxide splits into two A sites, which K/Na and Ba respectively occupy. Recently, A-site ordered double perovskite structures have attracted much attention for their potential applications as various functional materials for magnetoresistance(6) and negative thermal expansion(7), and our research represents the first example of a double perovskite oxide with superconductive properties. The other advantages of this material are that the material can be synthesized at lower temperatures, and it consists of less toxic elements. Although the superconducting transition temperature of this material is still relatively low, we expect that adjustments in the structure and composition will result in an increase in the transition temperature. This finding also allows us to further explore the relationship between superconductivity and long-range ordering, and provides a new guideline for exploring high-temperature superconductors.

While simple perovskite structures have one type of A site in the ABO3 structure, an A-site ordered double perovskite structure has two types of A sites (A’ and A’’), which provide twice the ordering range. In the newly synthesized superconductor, Na/K and Ba occupy the A’ and A’’ sites, respectively.


1. Perovskite Structure

A common crystallographic structure of oxides, formulated as ABO3. An A-site ordered structure, as discovered in this research, has two kinds of A sites and is formulated as A’A’’3B4O12.

2. Superconductivity

Zero resistivity below a critical temperature, Tc. Extensive research has been performed not only to investigate the basic science, but also to develop many applications of superconductivity.

3. Hydrothermal synthesis

A synthesis method under high-pressure water, which has been used for the synthesis of quartz crystals, nanoparticles, and ceramic powders.