Bachelor Program

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)


The mission of the Department of Business Administration (DBA) is to encourage quality education and training in Business Education. This mission will be achieved by imparting world class education and providing research facilities so that the students can achieve their intellectual, social, and personal potentials. Business School is committed to developing human capital by cultivating creative thinking in individuals. The programs under the departments are designed to make the courses relevant, interesting and exciting ones. The Department also puts emphasis on building moral character of the students. And for that, the students are required to take some mandatory courses on ethical values along with other regular courses. The mission of the Department of Business Administration (DBA) can be shown in the following table:

M1: To establish a platform for providing academic excellence in business to our students that will add professional value to cope with the modern global business environment.

M2: To boost the creativity of students through a dynamic learning process so that they can handle day-to-day challenges relating to business, economic and environmental issues in their work life.

M3: To ensure a combination of quality and morality throughout the learning process with an aim to building ethical business leaders, managers, and academicians.

M4: To deliver knowledge by giving due consideration to ethical and social values that will ensure good corporate governance and social commitments.


The central vision of the Department of Business Administration (DBA) is to contribute towards business education, research, business leadership, consultancy and corporate excellence and to extract the potentialities from youth and make the students worthy in the business world so that they can meet the challenges of today's new business environment.


The main objective of the Faculty of Business Studies is to provide globally competitive graduates to meet the necessity of business world.

The Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

The objectives of the Department of Business Administration (DBA) under the Faculty of Business Studies specify the intellectual and behavioural competencies that graduates should possess and that provide a foundation for their future professional and personal development and success. A number of measurable learning objectives are established namely communication skills, IT expertise, analytical thinking & problem-solving, ethics, teamwork, globalization, business functional areas. Moreover, the objective of the department is expected to play role for producing a good number of graduates having skills and professional competencies to serve the nation, especially by providing managerial services. The PEO can be shown as follows:

PEO-1: To produce competent BBA students with in-depth knowledge who can conceptualize, critically analyse & thereby create values in the areas of business.

PEO-2: To provide technical knowledge to the students for solving critical problems of the financial system.

PEO-3: To develop communication skill and decision-making ability of the students by delivering knowledge based on facts and truths using suitable methods.

PEO-4: To create competent leadership in business for taking innovative initiatives and decisions by applying project and market analytical tools to support green policies and environmental issues.

PEO-5: To develop the base of morality and social commitments so that the BBA graduates can contribute towards the sustainable development of the society.

Admission Requirements

  • Total GPA 6.00 in SSC/Dakhil & HSC/Alim but scoring not less than GPA 2.50 in any individual examination. OR
  • Minimum 5 (five) subjects in O level and 2 (two) major subjects in A level with minimum ‘B’ grade in 4 subjects and ‘C’ grade in 3 subjects.


A student shall have to pay Tk. 4,81,646/- for completing BSS in Economics & Banking degree as per the following break up:

SL Description Amount
1 Admission Fees (Once & non-refundable) Tk. 30,000/-
2 Semester Fees (Tk. 12,000 × 8) Tk. 96,000/-
3 Tuition Fees:
DC: 2,070 x 129 = 2,67,030/- ; URC: 1,100 x 11 = 12,100/-
Tk. 2,79,130/-
4 Exam Fees (Tk. 100 × 140 CH ) Tk. 14,000/-
5 Establishment Fees (Tk. 4,000 × 8) Tk. 32,000/-
6 Development Fees (Tk. 5,000 × 1 + Tk. 3,000 × 7) Tk. 26,000/-
7 Library Development Fee Tk. 2,000/-
8 Orientation Fee Tk. 3,000/-
9 Rover Scout Fee Tk. 25/-
Total Fees and Charges: Tk. 4,82,155/-

Semester-wise Payable Fess:

* First Installment (During Admission): Tk. 85,665/-

* Second to onward Installment (During Semester Registration):

SL Description Amount
1 Semester Fees Tk. 12,000/-
2 Tuition Fees:
2,070 x No. of CH of DC Courses ; 1,100 x No. of CH of URC Courses
Tk. *****/-
3 Exam Fees:
Tk. 100 × No. of CH of total registered Courses
Tk. *****/-
4 Establishment Fees Tk. 4,000/-
5 Development Fees Tk. 3,000/-
Semester-wise Total Fees and Charges: To be counted

DC = Departmental Course, URC = University Requirement Course

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) with Graduate Attributes

The program learning outcomes are given below:

PLO-1: General and subjective Knowledge: Ability to utilize the knowledge of business to find solutions of business problems.

PLO-2: Problem Solving & Innovation: Ability to explore innovative ideas and give concrete solutions to substantial business and social problems by applying appropriate tools and techniques for sustainable development.

PLO-3: Critical Thinking: Ability to apply analytical and in-depth thinking for data-based decision-making in real-life environments to ensure sustainability in the competitive business environment.

PLO-4: Effective Communication: Gaining comprehensive knowledge, analytical and communication skills for solving multicultural and multi-disciplinary problems.

PLO-5: Leadership and Teamwork: Ability to create value-based leadership in the global business system and to work collaboratively in the dynamic business environment.

PLO-6: Environment and Sustainability: Ability to identify the environmental impact on managerial decisions and providing business preferences on societal, economic and environmental issues.

PLO-7: Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility: Ability to gain in-depth knowledge of managerial and corporate business embodied with corporate ethics and social commitments that will help to pursue social and corporate goals.

Admission Test

Application for admission to Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) shall be invited through an announcement in the National/Local Dailies and IIUC website twice a year. The deserving candidates have to apply through IIUC website or web link Students are admitted through a competitive written test. Usually questions paper are designed as semi broad & MCQ Type. Marks allocation of admission test are:

Higher Math/ Economics/ Accounting & Management General Math General English General Knowledge Viva SSC & HSC GPA Total
40 20 25 15 10 10 120

Admission Period

Students are admitted into “BBA” program twice a year as follows:

Semester Period Application Period Admission Test
Spring January – June September - October November - December
Autumn July – December March - April May - June


The normal duration of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program at any department under the Faculty of Business Studies is four academic years (i.e.8 Semesters). Each academic year is divided into two semesters: Spring (January-June) and Autumn (July -December), each having a duration of 15 class weeks. One may complete 140 Credit Hours between 6-12 semesters under the Open Credit Hour System of the University. A student may be allowed to complete his/her graduation studies in the University within maximum six academic years (i.e.12 semesters). After completion of taught courses, an exclusive internship program (3 CH) having 3 months duration has to be conducted by the students.

Grading System

The Grading System for assessing the performance of the students shall be as follows:

Marks (%) Letter Grade Grade Point Remarks
80-100 A + 4.00 Excellent
75–79 A 3.75 Very Good
70–74 A- 3.50
65–69 B+ 3.25 Good
60–64 B 3.00
55–59 B- 2.75 Satisfactory
50–54 C+ 2.50
45–49 C 2.25 Pass
40–44 D 2.00
00–39 F 0.00 Fail

Calculation of GPA and CGPA

GPA: Grade Point Average (GPA) is computed by dividing the total grade point earned by the number of credit hours attempted in a particular semester.

CGPA: Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is computed by dividing the total grade point earned by the total number of credit hours attempted at the diploma courses up to that point of time.

Achieving minimum GPA in each semester

A student shall have to obtain minimum GPA 2.00 in each semester.

Achieving minimum GPA in for awarding degree

A student shall have to obtain minimum CGPA 2.50 for awarding degree.

Summary of Courses

Summary of Courses:

SL Types of the Courses Number of Courses Total Credit Hours
1 University Requirement Courses 08 11
2 Core Courses 36 108
3 Concentration/Major Courses 05 15
4 Viva-voce 04 03
5 Internship 01 03
Total 54 140

Semester wise number of courses & credits hours

SL Semester Number of Courses Total Credit Hours
1 1st 06 15
2 2nd 06 12.75
3 3rd 06 16
4 4th 07 16.75
5 5th 07 20
6 6th 07 16.75
7 7th 07 19
8 8th 08 21.75
Total 154 140

Semester wise Courses:

Semester Number: 1
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 ACC-1101 Principles of Accounting 3
2 BUSI-1101 Introduction to Business 3
3 MATH-1101 Foundation of Mathematics 3
4 MGT-1101 Principles of Management 3
5 UREL-1103 Advanced English 2
6 UREM-1101 Text of Ethics and Morality-I 1
Semester Number: 2
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 ACC-1202 Financial Accounting 3 ACC-1101
2 ECON-1201 Microeconomics 3
3 IT-1201 Computer Application in Business 3
4 MATH-1202 Business Mathematics 3 MATH-1101
5 URED-1201 Basic Principles of Islam 2
6 VIVA-1201 Viva Voce 0.75
Semester Number: 3
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 ACC-2303 Cost and Management Accounting 3
2 ECON-2302 Macroeconomics 3 ECON-1201
3 FIN-2301 Principles of Finance 3
4 MKTG-2301 Principles of Marketing 3
5 STAT-2301 Introduction to Statistics 3
6 URED- 2305 Comparative Religion 3
7 URED-2302 Sciences of Quran and Hadith 1
Semester Number: 4
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 BCOM-2401 Business Communication 3
2 ECON-2403 Principles of Islamic Economics 3
3 FIN-2402 Financial Management 3 FIN-2301
4 GEBL-2401 Bengali Language and Culture 3
5 STAT-2402 Business Statistics 3
6 UREM-2402 Text of Ethics and Morality-II 1 UREM-1101
7 VIVA-2402 Viva Voce 0.75 VIVA-1201
Semester Number: 5
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 BNKG-3501 Bank Management 3
2 LAW-3501 Legal Environment of Business 3
3 MGT-3502 Organizational Behaviour 3
4 MIS-3501 Management Information System 3
5 OR-3501 Operations Research 3
6 SCM-3501 Principles of Supply Chain Management 3
7 URED-3503 Political Thoughts and Social Behaviour 2
Semester Number: 6
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 FIN-3603 Principles of Insurance and Takaful 3
2 GEHE-3601 History of Emergence of Bangladesh 3
3 LAW-3602 Employment Law 3
4 MGT-3603 Operations Management 3
5 MGT-3604 Entrepreneurship Development and SME Management 3
6 URED-3604 Life and Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad 1
7 VIVA-3602 Viva Voce 0.75 VIVA-2402
Semester Number: 7
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 ACC-4704 Taxation and Auditing 3
2 FIN-4704 Project Management 3
3 HRM-4701 Human Resource Management 3
4 MGT-4705 Strategic Management 3
5 MKTG-4702 Marketing Management 3
6 RES-4701 Research Methodology in Business 3
7 URIH-4701 A survey of Islamic History and Culture 1
Semester Number: 8
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 ACC-4804 Advanced Financial Accounting 3
2 ACC-4805 Accounting Information Systems 3
3 ACC-4806 Advanced Cost Accounting 3
4 ACC-4807 Advanced Managerial Accounting 3
5 ACC-4808 Human Resource Accounting 3
6 ACC-4810 Accounting Theory and IFRS 3
7 ACC-4811 Accounting for Managerial Control 3
8 ACC-4812 Advanced Taxation and Auditing 3
9 ACC-4813 Accounting Technology 3
10 BNKG-4802 Islamic Banking 3
11 FIN-4806 Public Finance 3
12 FIN-4807 Financial Markets and Institutions 3
13 FIN-4808 Corporate Finance 3
14 FIN-4809 Investment Analysis and Risk Management 3
15 FIN-4810 Financial Information Analysis and Valuation 3
16 FIN-4811 Foreign Exchange Management 3
17 GEBS-4801 Bangladesh Studies 3
18 HRM-4802 Industrial Relations 3
19 HRM-4803 Human Resource Development 3
20 HRM-4804 HRM Practice in Bangladesh 3
21 HRM-4805 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility 3
22 HRM-4807 Conflict Management 3
23 HRM-4810 Compensation Management 3
24 HRM-4811 HR Planning and Forecasting 3
25 INTP-4800 Internship / Project Paper 3
26 MIS-4802 Computer Programming in Business 3
27 MIS-4803 Information Technology Management 3
28 MIS-4804 Decision Support Systems 3
29 MIS-4805 Database Management 3
30 MIS-4806 System Analysis 3
31 MIS-4807 Information Systems Strategy 3
32 MIS-4808 E-Commerce 3
33 MIS-4809 Enterprise Resource Planning (Proposed) 3
34 MKTG-4803 Consumer Behaviour 3
35 MKTG-4804 Services Marketing 3
36 MKTG-4805 Sales Management 3
37 MKTG-4806 Tourism and Hospitality Marketing 3
38 MKTG-4807 Retail Management 3
39 MKTG-4808 Personal Selling and Sales Management 3
40 MKTG-4809 Strategic Marketing 3
41 MKTG-4810 Supply Chain Management 3
42 MKTG-4811 Import and Export Marketing (Proposed) 3
43 MKTG-4812 Agricultural and Industrial Marketing 3
44 MKTG-4813 Advertising Management 3
45 SCM-4802 Distribution Management 3
46 SCM-4803 Production and Inventory Management 3
47 SCM-4804 Procurement Management 3
48 SCM-4806 Supply Chain Logistics Management 3
49 SCM-4807 Supply Chain Risk Management 3
50 SCM-4808 Strategic Supply Chain Management 3
51 SCM-4809 Supply Chain Information System 3
52 VIVA-4804 Viva-Voce 0.75 VIVA-3602