Faculty and Staff

Chairman & Co-ordinator

Engr. Md. Razu Ahmed

Engr. Md. Razu Ahmed

Professor & Chairman
Dept. of Computer and Communication Engineering
Ext: 1320
Mobile:01874543665, 01770164639
Email: razu17@yahoo.com, razu17@iiuc.ac.bd



Prof. Md. Razu Ahmed
Prof. Md. Razu Ahmed
PhD (Pursuing CSE-CU);
M.Engg. Telecommunication Engineering, Asian Institute of Technology(AIT), Thailand;
B.Sc. Engg. in Electronic and Communication Engineering, KU
Professor of Computer ,Telecommunication
Mobile: 01874543665
razu17@yahoo.com, razu17@iiuc.ac.bd
View Profile
Research Interest
Internet of Things(IoT),
Wireless Communication
Error Coding

Assistant Professors

Dr. Mohammed Saifuddin
Dr. Mohammed Saifuddin
Postdoc, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Research Fellow, UniSZA
PhD, University of Malaya, Malaysia
MSc, University of Malaya, Malaysia
MSc, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh
BSc, CU, Bangladesh
Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Bioengineering
Mobile: 01945767849
saifuddin.cu.um@gmail.com, saifuddin@iiuc.ac.bd
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Research Interest
Air, Water, Soil and Seedlings Monitoring by IoT
Fuel and Lube oil production and analysis
Root bio-engineering properties
Fire detection system using IoT and image processing
Md Jiabul Hoque
Md Jiabul Hoque
PhD (Pursuing, CUET)
M.Sc. in CSE, University of Greenwich, London, United Kingdom
B.Sc. in CSE, CUET, Bangladesh
Assistant Professor of CSE
Mobile: 01989685996
jia99cse@yahoo.com, jiabul.hoque@iiuc.ac.bd
View Profile
Research Interest
Meta Learning
Deep Learning
Machine Learning
Internet of Things (IoT)
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)
Cloud Computing
Amanul Hoque
Amanul Hoque
1. PhD (Pursuing), Fluid Mechanics, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Completed the course works and Research works is going on the titleTurbulent Flow Modelling in Porous Media,
Session 2019-2020.
2. Master of Philosophy (M.Phil), Theoretical Physics (Quantum Mechanics), Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Awarded March 08, 2020.
3. MS, Pure Mathematics, University of Chittagong, CGPA 3.79 out of 4, 2003, A. F. Mujibur Rahman Foundation Gold Medal Award for First Position
4. BSc (Hons), Mathematics, University of Chittagong, CGPA 3.58 out of 4, 2002, University Scholarship Awarded
5. HSC, Science, Cox'sbazar Government College, Second Division, 1997
6. SSC, Science, Eidgah Model High School, First Division, 1994
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Mobile: 01818673657
amanul07maths@gmail.com, amanulcox78@iiuc.ac.bd
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Research Interest


Tania Sultana
Tania Sultana
BBA, MBA (Accounting) MBA (HRM), IIUC
Lecturer in Accounting and HRM
Mobile: 01515284723
taniasultanaiiuc@gmail.com, tania@iiuc.ac.bd
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Research Interest
Accounting and Finance
Hassan Jaki
Hassan Jaki
B.Sc. in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering (IIUC)
Mobile: 01950853985
hassanjaki11@gmail.com, hassanjaki@iiuc.ac.bd
View Profile
Research Interest
Internet of Things (IoT)
Computer Networking
Wireless Communication
Md Hasan Mia
Md Hasan Mia
M.Sc. in physics at the University of Rajshahi
B.Sc. in physics at the University of Rajshahi
Mobile: 01787917221
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Research Interest
Density Functional Theory (DFT)
Materials Science
Condensed Matter Physics
Perovskite Solar Cell
Material Characterizations
Jannatul Naima
Jannatul Naima

Mobile: 01624924499
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Research Interest

Assistant Lecturer's

Mirza Raquib
Mirza Raquib
M.Sc.( Pursuing)- Information and Communication Engineering, Noakhali Science and Technology University, B.Sc.(Engg)- Information and Communication Engineering, Noakhali Science and Technology University
Assistant Lecturer
Mobile: 01319034382
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Research Interest
Image Processing, Natural Language Processing
Atia Jahan
Atia Jahan

Assistant Lecturer
Mobile: 01400388302
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Research Interest
Md Nurnobi Chowdhury Saddam
Md Nurnobi Chowdhury Saddam

Assistant Lecturer
Mobile: 01558268715
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Research Interest
Metamaterial Absorber, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
Md Abdullah Al Masud
Md Abdullah Al Masud
M.Sc.(Engg.)-Pursuing in Information and Communication Technology, Islamic University, Kushtia
B.Sc.(Engg.) in Information and Communication Technology, Islamic University, Kushtia
Assistant Lecturer
Mobile: 01719801221
mdabdullahalmasud.ai@gmail.com, masudcce@iiuc.ac.bd
View Profile
Research Interest
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Natural Language Processing
Generative AI
Large Language Models (LLM)
Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)

Administrative and General Staff

SL Name Designation Cell Number Email
1Mr. Abdullah Al-NomanAdministrative OfficerIIUC PABX, ext. 1321, Mobile-01711125270abdullahalnoman@iiuc.ac.bd
2Hasibul HasanLab TechnicianMobile: 01690169427ccepllab@gmail.com
3Mr. Muhammad Raishul AlamLab TechnicianMobile: 01632561177raishulalamjony@gmail.com
4Md EashinPeonMobile: 01644622066