Bachelor of Civil Engineering

Bachelor of Civil Engineering (CE)


The mission of the Civil Engineering program is to offer the strong academic program needed to produce well-educated students who can become productive members of the Civil Engineering profession. This mission is consistent with the academic component of the University's mission, which is in part to provide a strong academic program in engineering.”


“The Objective of the undergraduate Civil Engineering program is to instill in IIUC graduates the knowledge, skills, attitude, and ethical values necessary to be successful practitioners who are able to impart positive social impacts at the state, regional, national, and international levels. Additionally, IIUC seek to provide the necessary academic background for Civil Engineering graduates pursuing advanced degrees.”

The Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

The CE Program Educational Objectives, which describe the professional accomplishments that graduates should achieve in various stages of professional career, and their associated Program Outcomes are as follows:

PEO-1: Graduates should demonstrate the ability for early career professional growth based on their grasp of fundamental concepts in civil engineering. Within the first few years after graduation, CE graduates should be employed by an organization that serves the profession or enrolled in postgraduate studies. They should be participating in engineering practice based on their academic foundation.

PEO-1 is associated with following Program Outcomes:

  • an ability to apply knowledge of math, science, engineering.
  • an ability to design and conduct experiments and analyze data.
  • an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, political, environmental, social, ethical, health and , anufacturability, and sustainability.
  • an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.
  • an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

PEO-2: Graduates should utilize knowledge and skills to participate in civil engineering design and/or management processes. About five years beyond graduation, CE graduates should be participating effectively in design processes and developing Civil Engineering solutions within a team setting. They are expected to be engaged in management and leadership roles for Civil Engineering projects and to assume positions of greater responsibility to the profession and public.

PEO-2 is associated with following Program Outcomes:

  • an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, political, environmental, social, ethical, health and, manufacturability, and sustainability.
  • an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
  • an ability to professional and ethical responsibility
  • an ability to Communicate effectively
  • a knowledge of contemporary issues.

PEO-3: Graduates should develop professionally through a commitment to life-long learning. At all stages, CE graduates should exhibit their potential for a sustained productive career through life-long learning. They should continue the professional registration process if necessitated by employment.

Admission Requirements

  • Total GPA 6.50 in SSC/Dakhil & HSC/Alim but scoring not less than GPA 3.00 in any individual examination. Pass grade in Physics & Mathematics in HSC/Alim is a must; OR
  • Minimum 5 (five) subjects in O level and 2 (two) major subjects in A level with minimum ‘B’ grade in 4 subjects and ‘C’ grade in 3 subjects. Physics & Mathematics in A level is a must.


A student shall have to pay Tk. 6,42,516/- for completing Civil Engineering degree as per the following break up:

SL Description Amount
1 Admission Fees (Once & non-refundable) Tk. 30,000/-
2 Semester Fees (Tk. 14,000 × 8) Tk. 1,12,000/-
3 Tuition Fees:
DC: 2,500 x 156 = 3,90,000/-
URC: 1,100 x 7 = 7,700/-
Tk. 3, 97,700/-
4 Exam Fees (Tk. 100 × 163 CH ) Tk. 16,300/-
5 Establishment Fees (Tk. 4,000 × 8) Tk. 32,000/-
6 Development Fees (Tk. 5,000 × 1 + Tk. 3,000 × 7) Tk. 26,000/-
7 LAB Fee (Tk. 3,000 × 8) Tk. 24,000/-
8 Library Development Fee Tk. 2,000/-
9 Orientation Fee Tk. 3,000/-
10 Rover Scout Fee Tk. 25/-
Total Fees and Charges: Tk. 6,43,075/-

Semester-wise Payable Fess:

* First Installment (During Admission): Tk. 1,19,325/-

* Second to onward Installment (During Semester Registration):

SL Description Amount
1 Semester Fees Tk. 14,000/-
2 Tuition Fees:
2,500 x No. of CH of DC Courses
1,100 x No. of CH of URC Courses
Tk. *****/-
3 Exam Fees (Tk. 100 × No. of CH of total registered Courses) Tk. *****/-
4 Establishment Fees Tk. 4,000/-
5 Development Fees Tk. 3,000/-
6 LAB Fees Tk. 3,000/-
Semester-wise Total Fees and Charges: To be counted

DC = Departmental Course, URC = University Requirement Course

PEO-3 is associated with following Program Outcomes:

  • an ability to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
  • a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in Life-Long Learning
  • a knowledge of contemporary issues

Admission Test

Application for admission to B. Sc in Civil Engineering shall be invited through an announcement in the National/Local Dailies and IIUC website twice a year. The deserving candidates have to apply through IIUC website or web link Students are admitted through a competitive written test. Usually questions paper are designed as semi broad & MCQ Type. Marks allocation of admission test are:

Physics Chemistry Math General English General Knowledge (Analytical Aptitude) Viva SSC & HSC GPA Total
25 15 30 15 15 10 10 120

Admission Period

Students are admitted into “B. Sc in Civil Engineering” program twice a year as follows:

Semester Period Application Period Admission Test
Spring January – June September - October November - December
Autumn July – December March - April May - June


To complete the B. Sc. Engineering in Civil Engineering program at the International Islamic University Chittagong, normally takes four academic years (i.e. 8 Semesters). Each academic year is divided into 2 Semesters (Spring Semester: February – July and Autumn Semester: August – January), each having a duration of 15 weeks (5×15=75 working days). There shall be a Mid-term Examination after conducting 6 weeks classes. 9 Weeks of classes will be conducted after Mid-term examination and after that Final Examination will take place at the end of each semester. In order to graduate, total 163 credit hours has to be undertaken and completed by a student during 8 semesters. By registering more number of courses in regular semesters, students may also complete their graduation studies within at least three academic years (i.e. 6 Semesters) of regular studentship. However a student may be allowed to complete their graduation studies in the University within maximum of six academic years (i.e.12 semesters).

Grading System

The Grading System for assessing the performance of the students shall be as follows:

Marks (%) Letter Grade Grade Point Remarks
80-100 A + 4.00 Excellent
75–79 A 3.75 Very Good
70–74 A- 3.50
65–69 B+ 3.25 Good
60–64 B 3.00
55–59 B- 2.75 Satisfactory
50–54 C+ 2.50
45–49 C 2.25 Pass
40–44 D 2.00
00–39 F 0.00 Fail

Calculation of GPA and CGPA

GPA: Grade Point Average (GPA) is computed by dividing the total grade point earned by the number of credit hours attempted in a particular semester.

CGPA: Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is computed by dividing the total grade point earned by the total number of credit hours attempted at the diploma courses up to that point of time.

Achieving minimum GPA in each semester

A student shall have to obtain minimum GPA 2.00 in each semester.

Achieving minimum GPA in for awarding degree

A student shall have to obtain minimum CGPA 2.50 for awarding degree.

Summary of Courses

Summary of Courses:

Course Type No. of Course Theoretical (C.H.) Laboratory (C.H.) Total C.H
University Requirement Courses 06 07 00 07
Interdisciplinary Courses 08 14 01 15
Mathematics Courses 04 12 00 12
Basic Science Courses 05 09 03 12
Electrical and Computer Courses 04 06 03 09
Civil Engineering Core Courses 37 60 25.5 85.5
Civil Engineering Practices Courses 03 04 1.5 5.5
Technical Electrives: Major Courses 03 04 1.5 5.5
Technical Electrives: Minor Courses 03 04 1.5 5.5
Research 01 01 00 01
Project / Thesis 01 04 00 04
General Viva Voce 01 01 00 01
Total 76 126 37 163

Semester wise number of courses & credits hours

Semester No. Of Courses Theoretical (C.H.) Laboratory (C.H.) Total C.H
1st 09 16 4.5 20.5
2nd 10 13 07 21
3rd 10 15 6 21
4th 09 17 4.5 21.5
5th 09 15 4.5 19.5
6th 09 18 03 21
7th 09 13 07 20
8th 11 14 5.5 19.5
Total 76 121 42 163

Semester wise Courses:

Semester Number: 1
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 CE-1100 Civil Engineering Drawing and Digital Drafting 1.5
2 CE-1103 Surveying 3
3 CE-1104 Carpentry, Welding & Iron Shop 1.5
4 EEE-1107 Basic Electrical Engineering 3
5 EEE-1108 Basic Electrical Engineering Sessional 1.5
6 MATH-1105 Math-I (Differential & Integral Calculus) 3
7 PHY-1105 Physics-I (Mechanics, Wave & Oscillation; Light and Thermodynamics) 3
8 UREL-1106 Advanced English 2
9 URTE-1101 Text of Ethics & Morality 2
Semester Number: 2
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 CE-1205 Engineering Materials-I 3
2 CE-1206 Concrete Sessional 1.5
3 CE-1208 Practical Surveying 1.5
4 CHEM-1205 Chemistry-I 3
5 CHEM-1206 Inorganic and Quantitative Analysis Sessional 1.5
6 MATH-1205 Math-II (Differential Equation & Partial Differential Equation) 3 MATH-1105
7 PHY-1205 Physics-II 3 PHY-1105
8 PHY-1206 Physics Sessional 1.5 PHY-1105
9 URED-1201 Basic Principle of Islam 1
10 UREL-1205 Developing English Language Skills 1
Semester Number: 3
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 ACC-2301 Financial and Managerial Accounting 2
2 CE-2301 Analytic Mechanics 3
3 CE-2302 Analytic Mechanics Sessioal 1.5
4 CE-2303 Mechanics of Solids-I 3
5 CE-2304 Mechanics of Solids-I Sessional 1.5
6 CE-2306 Quantity Surveying 1.5
7 CSE-2303 Computer Programming & Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering 3
8 CSE-2304 Computer Programming & Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering sessional 1.5
9 MATH-2305 Math-III (Probability, Statistics & Matrices) 3 MATH-1205
10 URED-2302 Sciences of Quran & Hadith 1
11 URED-2305(For-Non-Muslim) Comparative Religion 2
Semester Number: 4
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 CE-2403 Fluid Mechanics 3
2 CE-2404 Fluid Mechanics Sessional 1.5
3 CE-2405 Engineering Geology & Geomorphology 3
4 CE-2407 Principles of Soil Mechanics 3
5 CE-2408 Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory 1.5
6 CE-2409 Design of Concrete Structures-I 3
7 CE-2410 Concrete Structures Design Sessional-1 1.5
8 MATH-2405 Math-IV (Linear Algebra, Matrices and Vector Analysis) 3 MATH-2305
9 URBL-2401 Functional Bengali Language 2
Semester Number: 5
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 CE-3501 Mechanics of Solids-II 3 CE-2303
2 CE-3502 Constructional Detailing and Estimation Sessional 1.5
3 CE-3503 Open Channel Flow 3
4 CE-3504 Open Channel Flow Sessional 1.5
5 CE-3505 Transportation Engineering-I (Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering.) 3
6 CE-3506 Transportation Engineering-I (Highway Materials & Traffic Engineering Design) Sessional 1.5
7 CE-3507 Structural Analysis and Design-I 3
8 ECON-3501 Engineering Economics 2
9 URED-3503 Introduction to Political Thought and Social Behavior 1
Semester Number: 6
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 CE-3601 Foundation Engineering 3
2 CE-3603 Design of Concrete Structures-II 3 CE-2409
3 CE-3604 Concrete Structures Design Sessional-II 1.5 CE-2410
4 CE-3605 Structural Analysis and Design-II 3 CE-3507
5 CE-3607 Environmental Engineering-I (Water Source, Distribution and Treatment) 3
6 CE-3608 Environmental Engineering Sessional 1.5
7 CE-3609 Transportation Engineering-II (Pavement Design and Railway Engineering) 3
8 MGT-3601 Industrial and Operational Management 2
9 URED-3604 Life and teaching of the Prophet (SAAS) 1
Semester Number: 7
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 CE-4700 Project / Thesis 4
2 CE-4707 Environmental Engineering-II (Waste water, Sanitation and sewerage) 3 CE-3607
3 CE-4708 Design of Water Supply, Sanitation and Sewerage Systems Sessional 1.5
4 CE-4709 Hydrology ,Irrigation and Flood Management 3
5 LAW-4725 Professional Ethics and Environmental Protection Law 2
6 URIH-4701 A Survey of Islamic History & Culture 1
Semester Number: 8
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 CE-4801 Research Methodology 1
2 CE-4803 Project Planning & Construction Management 2
3 CE-4805 Professional Practices and Communication 2
4 CE-4806 Professional Practices and Communication Sessional 1.5
5 CE-4807 Design of Steel Structures 3
6 CE-4808 Steel Structures Design Sessional 1.5
7 CE-4810 Viva Voce 1
8 URBS-4802 History of Bangladesh Independence 2
9 CE-4811 Introduction to Finite Element Method 2
10 CE-4813 Structural Analysis and Design-III 2
11 CE-4814 Computer Aided Analysis & Design of Structures Sessional 1.5
12 CE-4815 Pre Stressed Concrete 2
13 CE-4817 Dynamics Structures 2
14 CE-4821 Earth Retaining Structures 2
15 CE-4822 Geotechnical Engineering Design Sessional 1.5
16 CE-4823 Elementary Soil Dynamics 2
17 CE-4824 Geotechnical Engineering-II Sessional 1.5
18 CE-4825 Soil-water Interaction 2
19 CE-4826 Geotechnical Engineering-III Sessional 1.5
20 CE-4831 Transportation Engineering-III: Traffic Engineering Design and Management 2
21 CE-4832 Transportation Engineering-II Sessional: Pavement Design and Traffic Studies 1.5
22 CE-4833 Transportation Engineering-IV: Pavement Management, Drainage and Airport 2
23 CE-4834 Transportation Engineering-IV Sessional Transportation 1.5
24 CE-4835 Engineering-V: Urban Transportation Planning and Management 2
25 CE-4836 Transportation Engineering-V Sessional 1.5
26 CE-4841 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management 2
27 CE-4843 Environmental Pollution Management 2
28 CE-4844 Environmental Pollution Management Sessional 1.5
29 CE-4845 Environmental and Sustainable Management 2
30 CE-4846 Environmental Sustainable Management Sessional 1.5
31 CE-4851 Flood Mitigation and Management 2
32 CE-4852 Water Resources Engineering Sessional 1.5
33 CE-4853 Hydraulic Structures 2
34 CE-4854 Hydraulic Structures Sessional 1.5
35 CE-4855 Groundwater Engineering 2
36 CE-4857 River Engineering 2
37 CE-4859 Costal Engineering 2